| Field | Type | Description | |-------------|---------------|----------------------------------------------------| | id | Int | Primary key, auto-incremented.
| Field | Type | Description | |-------------|---------------|----------------------------------------------------| | id | Int | Primary key, auto-incremented. | | username | String | Unique username, limited to 255 characters. | | email | String | Unique email, limited to 255 characters. | | mobile | String | Mobile number, limited to 255 characters. | | password | String | Password, encrypted and limited to 255 characters. | | role | Role | Role of the user, defaults to 'seller'. | | createdAt | DateTime | Timestamp of creation, defaults to current time. | | updatedAt | DateTime | Timestamp of the last update, automatically set. | | deletedAt | DateTime? | Soft delete timestamp, nullable. | | bannedAt | DateTime? | Soft ban timestamp, nullable. | | confirmedAt | DateTime? | Account confirmation timestamp, nullable. | | stores | Store[] | List of stores owned by the user. | | access | UserOnStore[] | List of stores to which the user has access. |
Store Model
| Field | Type | Description | |-----------------|---------------|--------------------------------------------------| | id | Int | Primary key, auto-incremented. | | name | String | Name of the store, limited to 255 characters. | | slug | String | Unique slug for the store. | | active | Boolean | Status of the store, defaults to 'false'. | | paymentPerMonth | Int | Monthly payment amount, defaults to 7. | | paymentHistory | DateTime[] | Array of payment timestamps, defaults to empty. | | createdAt | DateTime | Timestamp of creation, defaults to current time. | | updatedAt | DateTime | Timestamp of the last update, automatically set. | | deletedAt | DateTime? | Soft delete timestamp, nullable. | | bannedAt | DateTime? | Soft ban timestamp, nullable. | | owner | User | Reference to the owner of the store. | | ownerId | Int | Foreign key to the owner. | | access | UserOnStore[] | List of users with access to the store. | | products | Product[] | List of products in the store. | | merchants | Merchant[] | List of merchants associated with the store. |
Merchant Model
| Field | Type | Description | |---------|------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | id | Int | Primary key, auto-incremented. | | service | MerchantServices | Type of merchant service (e.g., wayforpay). | | token | String | Encrypted token for authentication. | | data | Json | JSON data related to the merchant. | | store | Store | Reference to the store associated with the merchant. | | storeId | Int | Foreign key to the store. |
Product Model
| Field | Type | Description | |-----------------|---------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | id | Int | Primary key, auto-incremented. | | name | String | Name of the product, limited to 255 characters. | | slug | String | Unique slug for the product. | | description | String | Detailed description of the product. | | metaTitle | String | Meta title for SEO, limited to 255 characters. | | metaDescription | String | Meta description for SEO, limited to 255 characters. | | price | Float | Price of the product. | | priceCompare | Float? | Comparison price, nullable. | | discount | Float? | Discount percentage, nullable. | | draft | Boolean | Whether the product is in draft mode, defaults to 'true'. | | weight | Int? | Weight of the product, nullable. | | height | Int? | Height of the product, nullable. | | width | Int? | Width of the product, nullable. | | length | Int? | Length of the product, nullable. | | createdAt | DateTime | Timestamp of creation, defaults to current time. | | updatedAt | DateTime | Timestamp of the last update, automatically set. | | deletedAt | DateTime? | Soft delete timestamp, nullable. | | diactivatedAt | DateTime? | Soft deactivation timestamp, nullable. | | store | Store | Reference to the store the product belongs to. | | storeId | Int | Foreign key to the store. | | categories | ProductOnCategory[] | Categories this product belongs to. | | orders | Order[] | Orders associated with this product. |
Category Model
| Field | Type | Description | |-----------------|---------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | id | Int | Primary key, auto-incremented. | | name | String | Name of the category, limited to 255 characters. | | slug | String | Unique slug for the category. | | description | String | Detailed description of the category. | | metaTitle | String | Meta title for SEO, limited to 255 characters. | | metaDescription | String | Meta description for SEO, limited to 255 characters. | | createdAt | DateTime | Timestamp of creation, defaults to current time. | | updatedAt | DateTime | Timestamp of the last update, automatically set. | | deletedAt | DateTime? | Soft delete timestamp, nullable. | | products | ProductOnCategory[] | Products associated with this category. |
Order Model
| Field | Type | Description | |-----------|---------|------------------------------------------| | id | Int | Primary key, auto-incremented. | | shipping | String | Shipping details for the order. | | message | String | Message or instructions, stored as text. | | paid | Float | Amount paid for the order. | | data | Json | JSON data associated with the order. | | product | Product | Reference to the product in the order. | | productId | Int | Foreign key to the product. |
UserOnStore Model
| Field | Type | Description | |---------|-------|---------------------------| | user | User | Reference to the user. | | userId | Int | Foreign key to the user. | | store | Store | Reference to the store. | | storeId | Int | Foreign key to the store. |
ProductOnCategory Model
| Field | Type | Description | |------------|----------|------------------------------| | product | Product | Reference to the product. | | productId | Int | Foreign key to the product. | | category | Category | Reference to the category. | | categoryId | Int | Foreign key to the category. |