Comprehensive angular grid component
Huntsman Cancer Institute's Angular Grid Library
hci-ng-grid Demo on Github
This grid is designed to be a full featured grid that can handle nearly anything that complex data tables may
be expected to support. By default, the grid is simple and basic, but becomes full featured through
"dependencies": {
"hci-ng-grid": "5.0.x"
import {GridModule} from "hci-ng-grid";
imports: [
Compiled code gets moved to the dist folder with a copy of the package.json. Custom commands are required for
packaging and publishing. Use npmPack and npmPublish instead of the usual pack and publish.
Basic Features
- Sorting: Change sorting by clicking on column header.
- Filtering: String, select, range filtering with the possibility for custom filters.
- Paging: Paging with various page sizes, first, last, previous and next.
- Row Grouping: Rows can be grouped by one or more columns.
- External Data Call: Callback to retrieve data from external source.
- Custom Events: Listeners can be added to work for specific events and custom actions can be taken.
Note, there are so many features to this grid that not all are currently listed here. See the demo for full examples.
The basic syntax for data provided by the implementing component.
{ field: "col1", name: "Column 1" },
{ field: "col2", name: "Column 2" },
The basic syntax for an external data call.
{ field: "col1", name: "Column 1" },
{ field: "col2", name: "Column 2" },
And a function using mocked external data call.
dataRequest: (externalInfo: ExternalInfo) => {};
ngOnInit() {
this.dataRequest = (externalInfo: ExternalInfo) => {
return Observable.of(new ExternalData(this.dataGeneratorService.getData(250), externalInfo)).delay(500);
type: Object[]
default: undefined
Provide the grid with an array of rows as objects. Two way binding to this data.
type: Function
default: undefined
A function that is called to retrieve data. The function is passed filtering, sorting and paging info.
type: string
default: undefined
The html id for the grid and the id that can be used to get the grid from the global grid service.
type: any
default: {}
A json object that contains configuration options for the grid.
type: string[]
default: undefined
The group names that this grid should be linked to.
type: boolean
default: false
Flag if the user should be allowed to modify the grid's configuration (e.g. what colums are visible and how big).
type: string
default: undefined
Shows this title in a title bar above the grid.
type: string
default: "spreadsheet"
options: "spreadsheet", "report", or your own
The name of the theme to use.
type: Column[]
default: undefined
An array of column configuration objects.
type: string[]
default: undefined
A list of column names that should be fixed to the left side of the grid.
type: string[]
default: undefined
A list of column names that should be used to group rows together.
* Currently disabled *
type: boolean
default: true
The state for grouped rows if those rows in a group should be hidden or shown by default.
type: boolean
default: false
True if grouping should be handled by the external data call. This forces filtering, sorting and paging to also be external.
type: boolean
default: false
True if filtering should be handled by the external data call.
type: boolean
default: false
True if sorting should be handled by the external data call.
type: boolean
default: false
True if paging should be handled by the external data call. This forces filtering, sorting and paging to be external.
type: number
default: undefined
The number of rows per page. If not specified it will show all of them.
type: number[]
default: [10, 25, 50]
An array of possible page sizes that the user can choose from.
type: number
default: -1
The number of visible rows. A page might have 100 rows, but you can limit the size of the grid to 10 rows which would be scrolling for the user. The default is -1 which is the same as the page size.
type: boolean
default: false
If true, will emit a (onRowSave) event if you navigate to a new row and the previous row has dirty values.
type: TemplateRef<any>
default: undefined
A custom template shown when data is loaded. If you don't like the default spinner.
type: EventListenerArg[]
default: []
An array of listeners that can perform actions on any sort of click or key events.
type: string
default: undefined
A shortcut for creating listeners. Rather than passing in your own listeners, specify a mode and the required listeners will be created for you.
type: boolean
default: true
True if you want warnings to show in the console.
type: string
default: flow-root
Sets the display on the root component. Although you could also do this with style on the grid.
type: string
default: undefined
Can be "title-bar" or "footer" depending where you want the add new row button to appear.
type: (data: newRow) => Observable<any>
default: undefined
Implement your own call to handle creating a new row. For example, persisting it so the new gets an id created in the database.
type: (newRow: any) => void
default: undefined
Custom command upon successful newRowPostCall().
type: (error: any) => void
default: undefined
Custom error command upon error from newRowPostCall().
type: () => void
default: undefined
Custom finally command when newRowPostCall() success or error completes.
type: any
$event: { key: rows[i].key,
i: i,
j: j,
field: columns[j].field,
oldValue: oldValue,
newValue: newValue }
The row key, location, field, old and new value of the cell.
type: any
$event: { key: rows[i].key,
rowNum: i,
row: originalRowData }
Emits the key, row number and the data for the row in the format originally passed in.
type: any
$event: config
Emits the current configuration for the grid.
type: any
$event: any
Determined by the event listener which can emit any type of data.
type: any
$event: any
Determined by the event listener which can emit any type of data.
type: any
$event: any
Determined by the event listener which can emit any type of data.
type: any
$event: any
Determined by the event listener which can emit any type of data.
type: string
$event: warning message as a string
Listen to this to handle warnings from the grid as you wish (e.g. as a toast popup).
type: any[]
$event: [key1, key2, ...]
This is an array of any instead of number because the row key could be anything.
type: FilterInfo[]
$event: FilterInfo[]
This is the array of filters used when a column's filters are applied. In the case of a select where there are multiple
FilterInfos, this includes the full list and not the one that changed. This event is fired upon click. It will take
some delay for data to come back at which point the filterEvent would be fired.
type: any
$event: {type, status, nData}
This is emitted when a filter event returns data. It will provide the number of rows returning.
type: SortInfo
$event: SortInfo
This is the sortInfo emitted when a column header is clicked. It will take
some delay for data to come back at which point the sortEvent would be fired.
type: any
$event: {type, status, field}
This is emitted when a sort event returns data. It will provide the field being sorted.
Global Config
The root module can take configuration json that can be used to set defaults for every grid. For example, if you want every grid in your application to use the same theme and you don't want to specify that theme in every instance of the grid, you can do the following:
theme: "report"
Advanced Features
Rendering Cells
Every refresh of data and every vertical scroll will re-render the visible rows and cells. To speed things up, each cell is limited to rendering pure HTML. However, there are several options of how to render and the option of custom rendering.
Every cell is rendering with a class that implements the CellViewRenderer interface. The two methods required to implement are
setConfig(config: any);
createElement(renderer: Renderer2, column: Column, value: any, i: number, j: number): HTMLElement;
As an example, the following is an example of a number range renderer.
field: "nLabs",
name: "# Labs",
viewRenderer: CellNumberRangeView,
viewConfig: { low: 15, high: 85, showIcon: true }
The class is passed in as the viewRenderer and any config is passed in through the viewConfig.
Like view rendering, built in and custom components can be used to render the filter. The difference is rather than pure HTML, a filter is a component that extends a base class FilterRenderer. The following are examples of built in filters.
field: "firstName",
name: "First Name",
filterRenderer: TextFilterRenderer
field: "dob",
name: "Date of Birth",
dataType: "date",
format: "MM/DD/YYYY",
editRenderer: DateEditRenderer,
filterRenderer: CompareFilterRenderer
field: "gender",
name: "Gender",
editRenderer: ChoiceEditRenderer,
choices: [ {value: "Female", display: "Female"}, {value: "Male", display: "Male"} ],
filterRenderer: SelectFilterRenderer
- There are only left fixed colums, but some have requested right fixed columns.
Building and Demo
To run the demo for the first time, run the following commands:
npm install
npm run install-demo
npm run run-demo
If package.json doesn't change, after making a change to the grid run:
npm run build
npm run run-demo
The grid build automatically copies the transpiled files to the demo/node_modules/hci-ng-grid which mimics pulling the dependency from npm.
To mimic a production build and be able to run the demo anywhere, use "npm run run-demo-prod".