This add-on will check the weather forecast (FOR SYDNEY ONLY) and advise on whether or not we should go to the beach.
HipChat BeachBot Add-on
This add-on will check the weather forecast (FOR SYDNEY ONLY) and advise on whether or not we should go to the beach.
- 07:30 - Check if it is more than 30'c today
- 16:30 - Check if it is more than 30'c tomorrow
To install what you need to run the add-on:
npm install -g bunyan npm install
Start ngrok, which will make your add-on running on http://localhost:4000 accessible to HipChat.com:
ngrok 4000
Take a note of the base URL given by ngrok, for example in the following case the base URL is https://57376a36.ngrok.com:
ngrok (Ctrl+C to quit)
Tunnel Status online
Version 1.7/1.7
Forwarding http://57376a36.ngrok.com ->
Forwarding https://57376a36.ngrok.com ->
Web Interface
Conn 0
Avg Conn Time 0.00ms
Start the add-on:
npm start | bunyan
Install the add-on in HipChat.
- Go to www.hipchat.com/addons
- At the bottom of the page, click on "Install an integration from a descriptor URL"
- Enter the URL for the add-on descriptor, which is baseURL/descriptor, for example https://57376a36.ngrok.com/descriptor
- Choose a room to install the add-on in
To test the add-on:
- Type /beachbot in the HipChat room to get the current weather forecast