A webpack resolver plugin using facebook's haste-map
A webpack resolver plugin using facebook's haste map.
In CommonJS all require() calls to internal modules are using relative paths.
This can be a pain in mono-repositories:
- referencing a module requires some relative path computation (very often trial and error).
- when moving files to different folders, most require() calls have to be updated.
Facebook's Haste map can be useful for that, each module is assigned a unique name using the @providesModule annotation and can be required() using its name.
Since Jest, Flow & React Native are already supporting it, having a webpack resolver is the last thing you need to use it on node.js and on web bundles.
Some resources on it :
- https://facebook.github.io/react/contributing/codebase-overview.html#custom-module-system
- https://github.com/facebook/flow/issues/2648
- https://github.com/facebookarchive/node-haste
- https://github.com/facebook/jest/tree/master/packages/jest-haste-map
This implementation is based on jest-haste-map, the haste map implementation used by Jest runner.
Usage in webpack 1
Add the following code to your webpack configuration file:
var HasteMapWebPackResolver = require('haste-map-webpack-resolver');
var hasteMapWebPackResolver = new HasteMapWebPackResolver({
rootPath: path.resolve(__dirname, '.'),
// Within the configuration object:
plugins: [
new ProgressBarPlugin(hasteMapWebPackResolver),
new webpack.ResolverPlugin([hasteMapWebPackResolver.resolver]),
I've written a fully working webpack 1 demo
Beware this configuration is only valid for haste-map-webpack-resolver 2.x: in order to handle https://github.com/flegall/haste-map-webpack-resolver/issues/2 I had to break the configuration of 1.x. If you're still using 1.x, please READ the configuration from here : https://github.com/flegall/haste-map-webpack-resolver/blob/v1.0.8/README.md
Usage in webpack 2
Add the following code to your webpack configuration file:
var HasteMapWebPackResolver = require('haste-map-webpack-resolver');
var hasteMapWebPackResolver = new HasteMapWebPackResolver({
rootPath: path.resolve(__dirname, '.'),
// Within the configuration object:
resolve: {
plugins: [hasteMapWebPackResolver.resolver],
plugins: [
I've written a fully working webpack 2 demo
Beware this configuration is only valid for haste-map-webpack-resolver 2.x: in order to handle https://github.com/flegall/haste-map-webpack-resolver/issues/2 I had to break the configuration of 1.x. If you're still using 1.x, please READ the configuration from here : https://github.com/flegall/haste-map-webpack-resolver/blob/v1.0.8/README.md