A library for querystrings in hash paths
The hashtrack.js library provides an implementation of state-hashes in Javascript application, which is backwards compatible with pre-hashchange browsers. It also provides much more powerful facilities to utilize the same structure of a full URL inside the hash, including paths and querystrings.
API of hashtrack.
hashtrack The only exposed name. The entire API is under this name.
hashtrack.init() Begins the hashtrack usage. Must be called once after the page has loaded.
hashtrack.onhashchange(callback, callnow) Registers a callback to be invoked when the hash value changes. If callnow == true, the callback should be invoked immediately with the current hash value.
hashtrack.onhashvarchange(varname, callback, callnow) Registers a callback to be invoked when a specific hash-query variable changes. This value is parsed out of a query-string syntax segment in the hash value. For example, the URL
Might call hashtrack.onhashvarchange("color", callback) and callback("red")
would be called.
hashtrack.getAllVars() Returns an object mapping all hash-query variable names to their values. The above example URL would return {"color": "red"}
hashtrack.getVar(name) Returns one variable, by name.
hashtrack.setVar(name, value) Changes the value of a specific variable in the hash-querystring
hashtrack.getPath() Returns the path portion of the hash value.
hashtrack.setPath(path) Changes the path portion of the hash value, but leaves the querystring alone.