hashspace runtime prototype
Hashspace is a client-side HTML template engine - currently under construction. Its purpose is to provide a powerful and light-weight way to create adanced web-pages containing application logic.
The key targetted features are:
- a simple an natural template syntax thanks to an offline compiler
- bi-directional data-binding on any HTML element property (attributes and content)
- light-weight (target: <20kb minified compressed for the runtime library)
- support of sub-templates and widget libraries
- support of advanced expressions
Hashspace is composed of 2 main parts:
- a file pre-processor that translates the HTML templates into JavaScript functions (cf. compiler test files for the syntax)
- a runtime library that interprets the compiled templates dynamically
Please refer to the samples in the unit-tests suites in the 'test/compiler or 'test/rt' folders for more details.
The public/samples
folder also contains a pseudo-code implementation of what should be the todomvc implementation once the minimum set of features are implemented.
Currently only some parts of the runtime are developed:
- json wrapper to set properties in a data object and automatically trigger notifications to observer objects
- text nodes
- data binding on properties
- element nodes (e.g. div, span, section, h1...)
- {if} statements
- {insert} statements
- {foreach} statements
- array data-bindings (i.e. automatic refresh of foreach nodes when the foreach array is changed)
To run and update the samples in a live environment, first run npm install and then:
- run grunt to launch a local web-server that can compile templates on the fly (cf. hsp/grunt folder)
- open http://localhost:8000 in your favorite browser and choose an example from the sample list
- or open http://localhost:8000/todomvc to play with the todomvc sample..
Preparing your environment
- install Grunt cli globally:
npm install -g grunt-cli
- install local npm modules:
npm install
Running Tests
For jshint validation:
- run
grunt checkStyle
For the compiler test:
- run
grunt mochaTest
For the browser runtime tests:
- run grunt - this will launch a local webserver and a watch task on your files
- and access http://localhost:8000/test/rt to run the tests in your favorite browsers