A collection of hash and number generators for Node or Browser
A collection of hash and number generators for Node or Browser in pure JS.
- SHA - Creates a SHA1/224/256/384/512 hash of a message.
- MD5 - Creates a MD5 hash of a message.
- CRC - Createsa CRC3/16/32 hash of a message.
- UUID - Create UUIDs verisons 1 - 5.
- Random bytes - Random bytes of a supplied length (based on Mersenne Twister)
- Mersenne Twister - Random number generator that can be seaded. Create 32 bit signed, unsigned or float values.
- Random Xor Shift - Random number generator that can be seaded. Creates unsigned 32 bit values.
npm install hash-maker
Provides both CommonJS and ES modules.
SHA hash function. All SHA functions can be returned as a string, Uint8Array, Buffer or Hex string (default).
Can be imported as:
const { SHA256 } = require('hash-maker');
import { SHA256 } from 'hash-maker';
const hash = SHA256("0123456789",{asArray:true});
MD5 hash function. MD5 functions can be returned as a string, Uint8Array, Buffer or Hex string (default).
Can be imported as:
const { MD5 } = require('hash-maker');
import { MD5 } from 'hash-maker';
const hash = MD5("0123456789",{asArray:true})
CRC hash function. CRC functions can be returned as a Hex string, Uint8Array, Buffer or number (default).
Can be imported as:
const { CRC32 } = require('hash-maker');
import { CRC32 } from 'hash-maker';
const hash = CRC32("0123456789",{asArray:true});
UUID generator function. UUID functions can create verisons 1 - 5 (default 4) and can be returned as a Uint8Array, Buffer or Hex string (default).
Can be imported as:
const { UUID } = require('hash-maker');
import { UUID } from 'hash-maker';
const id = UUID(1,{asArray:true});
Random Bytes
Random byte generator function. Functions can be returned as a Buffer or Uint8Array (default). Numbers generated with the Mersenne Twister (see below).
Can be imported as:
const { randomBytes } = require('hash-maker');
import { randomBytes } from 'hash-maker';
const bytes = randomBytes(12,true);
Mersenne Twister
Mersenne Twister number generator class. Can be seeded with a number or Uint32Array.
Can be imported as:
const { MERSENNETWISTER } = require('hash-maker');
import { MERSENNETWISTER } from 'hash-maker';
const seed; // number or Uint32Array if needed
const mt = new MERSENNETWISTER(seed);
const unsignedInt = mt.genrand_int32() // or mt.RandTwisterUnsigned() mt.random_int()
const signedInt = mt.genrand_int32i() // or mt.RandTwisterSigned()
const unsigned31Int = mt.genrand_int3i() //31 bit number
const double = mt.genrand_real1() // or mt.RandTwisterDouble()
const float1 = mt.genrand_real2() // generates a random number on [0,1)-real-interval
const float2 = mt.genrand_real3() // generates a random number on (0,1)-real-interval
const float3 = mt.genrand_res53() // generates a random number on [0,1) with 53-bit resolution
Random Xor Shift
Random Xor Shift number generator class. Can seeded with a number or a Uint8Array or Buffer of 4 bytes.
Can be imported as:
const { RANDOMXORSHIFT } = require('hash-maker');
import { RANDOMXORSHIFT } from 'hash-maker';
const seed; //number, Uint8Array or Buffer of 4 bytes
const rxs = new RANDOMXORSHIFT(seed);
const random_int = rxs.random_int();