A simple SASS library aimed at providing a centralized and efficient way to manage design tokens, generate utility classes, and work with media queries.
The Harmonize.Sass is a personal project aimed at providing a centralized and efficient way to manage design tokens, generate utility classes, and work with media queries in your Sass-based projects. This library streamlines your design system and improves the maintainability of the styles.
Inspired by Andy Bell's Gorko.
Table of contents
- Install Harmonize.sass via npm:
npm install harmonize.sass
- Import it into your main Sass file:
@use 'harmonize.sass';
Token Configuration
Below is the default configuration of the library. Use it as a base for your own configuration. The idea is to have a foundation to start your project.
All calculations are based on this value. The default is 1.6rem because on
the root 1rem is set to be equal to 10px, so that, 1.6rem is equivalent to
the default 16px.
$base-size: 1.6rem !default;
These are the default scales that could be used to empower all the sizing in
the library. It could be extended as required.
$default-scales: (
linear: (
100: 0.2rem,
200: 0.4rem,
300: 0.8rem,
400: 1.6rem,
500: 3.2rem,
600: 6.4rem,
700: 12.8rem,
800: 2.56rem,
900: 5.12rem
minor: (
100: $base-size * 0.579,
200: $base-size * 0.694,
300: $base-size * 0.833,
400: $base-size,
500: $base-size * 1.2,
600: $base-size * 1.44,
700: $base-size * 1.728,
800: $base-size * 2.074,
900: $base-size * 2.488
major: (
100: $base-size * 0.512,
200: $base-size * 0.64,
300: $base-size * 0.8,
400: $base-size,
500: $base-size * 1.25,
600: $base-size * 1.563,
700: $base-size * 1.953,
800: $base-size * 2.441,
900: $base-size * 3.052
) !default;
These settings empower all the utilities related to (font-size, margin,
padding, etc). Configure based on the scale options above.
$base-scale: map-get($default-scales, 'major') !default;
Colors that are going to be used throughout utilities like backgrounds,
texts, borders, etc. It can be extended as required.
$base-colors: (
primary: (
100: hsl(204, 94%, 94%),
200: hsl(201, 94%, 86%),
300: hsl(199, 95%, 74%),
400: hsl(198, 93%, 60%),
500: hsl(200, 98%, 39%),
900: hsl(202, 80%, 24%)
secondary: (
100: hsl(149, 80%, 90%),
200: hsl(152, 76%, 80%),
300: hsl(156, 72%, 67%),
400: hsl(158, 64%, 52%),
500: hsl(160, 84%, 39%),
900: hsl(164, 86%, 16%)
neutral: (
100: hsl(240, 5%, 96%),
200: hsl(240, 6%, 90%),
300: hsl(240, 5%, 84%),
400: hsl(240, 5%, 65%),
900: hsl(240, 6%, 10%)
) !default;
These settings control all the custom properties and utilities that could be
$global-tokens: (
font-family: (
value: (
regular: (
'Segoe UI',
'Open Sans',
'Helvetica Neue',
prefix: (
font: 'font-family'
property: 'font-family'
font-size: (
value: $base-scale,
prefix: (
text: 'font-size'
property: 'font-size'
font-weight: (
value: (
light: 300,
regular: 400,
medium: 500,
semibold: 600,
bold: 700
prefix: (
font: 'font-weight'
property: 'font-weight'
letter-spacing: (
value: (
narrower: -0.05em,
narrow: -0.025em,
regular: 0em,
wide: 0.025em,
wider: 0.05em
prefix: (
font: 'letter-spacing'
property: 'letter-spacing'
line-height: (
value: (
heading: 1.1,
regular: 1.5
prefix: (
leading: 'line-height'
property: 'line-height'
text-align: (
value: (
start: left,
center: center,
end: right
prefix: (
text: 'text-align'
property: 'text-align'
text-transform: (
value: (
uppercase: uppercase,
lowercase: lowercase,
capitalize: capitalize
prefix: (
text: 'text-transform'
property: 'text-transform'
measure: (
value: (
compact: 45ch,
ideal: 66ch,
longform: 75ch
prefix: (
measure: 'max-width'
property: 'max-width'
padding: (
value: $base-scale,
prefix: (
p: 'padding',
pt: 'padding-top',
pb: 'padding-bottom',
pl: 'padding-left',
pr: 'padding-right',
px: 'padding-inline',
py: 'padding-block'
property: 'padding'
margin: (
value: map-merge(
auto: auto
prefix: (
m: 'margin',
mt: 'margin-top',
mb: 'margin-bottom',
ml: 'margin-left',
mr: 'margin-right',
mx: 'margin-inline',
my: 'margin-block'
property: 'margin'
gap: (
value: map-get($default-scales, 'linear'),
prefix: (
gap: 'gap'
property: 'gap'
border-width: (
value: map-get($default-scales, 'linear'),
prefix: (
border: 'border-width'
property: 'border-width'
border-style: (
value: (
solid: solid,
dashed: dashed,
dotted: dotted
prefix: (
border: 'border-style'
property: 'border-style'
border-radius: (
value: map-merge(
map-get($default-scales, 'linear'),
full: 999rem
prefix: (
rounded: 'border-radius'
property: 'border-radius'
shadow: (
value: (
xs: 0 1px 2px 0 var(--shadow-color),
sm: (
0 1px 3px 0 var(--shadow-color),
0 1px 2px -1px var(--shadow-color)
md: (
0 4px 6px -1px var(--shadow-color),
0 2px 4px -2px var(--shadow-color)
lg: (
0 10px 15px -3px var(--shadow-color),
0 4px 6px -4px var(--shadow-color)
xl: (
0 20px 25px -5px var(--shadow-color),
0 8px 10px -6px var(--shadow-color)
prefix: (
shadow: 'box-shadow'
property: 'box-shadow'
transition-timing: (
value: (
linear: linear,
in: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1),
out: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1),
in-out: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)
property: 'transition-timing-function'
breakpoints: (
value: (
sm: 36em,
md: 48em,
lg: 62em
) !default;
Base size
All calculations are based on this value. The default is 1.6rem because on the root, 1rem is set to be equal to 10px, so 1.6rem is equivalent to the default 16px.
Default scales
These are the default scales that could be used to empower all the sizing in the library. It could be extended as required.
These values can be accessed via the useSize
hook function.
Colors that are going to be used throughout utilities like backgrounds, texts, borders, etc. It can be extended as required.
These values can be accessed via the useColor
hook function.
The breakpoints
map is used in the useMediaQuery
breakpoints: (
value: (
sm: 36em,
md: 48em,
lg: 62em
Functions and Mixins
In order to use the helper functions and mixins, just use the @use
rule to import helpers in your SCSS file.
@use 'harmonize.sass/helpers' as *;
Then use one of the following options:
useColor('color', 'shade')
This function allows you to retrieve and return colors from the token configuration. Provide a color key as an argument to get the corresponding color value.
body {
color: useColor('primary', 400);
background-color: useColor('neutral', 100);
This function allows you to retrieve and return one of the base sizes configured in the token configuration. Accept the size as a parameter and return the corresponding size value.
.rectangle {
width: useSize(800);
height: useSize(400);
useValue('property', 'value')
Use this function to retrieve a value by specifying a property name from the token configuration.
button {
padding-block: useValue('padding', 200);
padding-inline: useValue('padding', 400);
useProperty('property', 'value')
This mixin returns the CSS property and value associated with the specified property name in the token configuration. This is only a more pragmatic way to use the token values.
.card {
// Other Styles...
@include usePropery('shadow', 'md');
.card {
/* Other Styles... */
box-shadow: 0 4px 6px -1px var(--shadow-color), 0 2px 4px -2px var(--shadow-color);
The useMediaQuery
mixin accepts a parameter with the corresponding breakpoint from the tokens. It returns a media query that you can use in your styles.
@include useMediaQuery('lg') {
body {
font-size: useValue('font-size', 500);
Generators are mixins that loop through the given property from the tokens configuration and return the corresponding utility classes or custom properties.
In order to use the generator, just use the @use
rule to import helpers into your SCSS file.
@use 'harmonize.sass/helpers' as *;
The prefix
setting is used to name the classes you're generating from; it also takes as a value on the configuration token the name of the corresponding property. The naming convention of the prefixes is free to be used; just make sure to separate them by a hyphen -
character, and you should be good to go.
Below is the configuration used for the padding
property. As you can see, it has a list of prefixes that are used to generate a bunch of utility classes.
padding: (
value: $base-scale,
prefix: (
p: 'padding',
pt: 'padding-top',
pb: 'padding-bottom',
pl: 'padding-left',
pr: 'padding-right',
px: 'padding-inline',
py: 'padding-block'
property: 'padding'
Utilities Generator
Using the generateUtilities
mixin, you can generate a list of utility classes by passing the property you want to generate the classes from.
@include generateUtilities('padding');
Example Outputs:
.p-400 {
padding: 1.6rem;
.pt-400 {
padding-top: 1.6rem;
.py-400 {
padding-block: 1.6rem;
Color Utilities Generator
Similar to generateUtilities
, the generateColorUtilities
mixin generates the custom utility classes based on the colors set up in the $base-colors
map under tokens configuration.
However, this mixin takes two arguments: the first one being the prefix
you want to use in your class names, and the second one is the property
you want to generate the colors for.
@include generateColorUtilities('text', 'color');
@include generateColorUtilities('bg', 'background-color');
Example Outputs:
.text-primary-400 {
color: hsl(198, 93%, 60%);
.bg-secondary-400 {
background-color: hsl(158, 64%, 52%);
This allows you to have more control in creating your color utilities.
Custom Properties Generator
The generateCustomProperties
mixin accepts the prefix
and the property
parameters to generate custom properties. For that, it is recommended to use the corresponding mixin inside the :root
pseudo-class in the root.scss
file in your base folder.
@include generateCustomProperties('fs', 'font-size');
:root {
--fs-100: 0.8192rem;
--fs-200: 1.024rem;
--fs-300: 1.28rem;
--fs-400: 1.6rem;
--fs-500: 2rem;
--fs-600: 2.5008rem;
--fs-700: 3.1248rem;
--fs-800: 3.9056rem;
--fs-900: 4.8832rem;
Color Custom Properties Generator
Like the previous mixin, the generateColorCustomProperties
generates custom properties from the $base-colors
map in the tokens configuration. It accepts only one argument, which is the prefix
to be used in the naming convention.
@include generateColorCustomProperties('clr');
:root {
--clr-primary-100: hsl(204, 94%, 94%);
--clr-primary-200: hsl(201, 94%, 86%);
--clr-primary-300: hsl(199, 95%, 74%);
--clr-primary-400: hsl(198, 93%, 60%);
--clr-primary-500: hsl(200, 98%, 39%);
--clr-primary-900: hsl(202, 80%, 24%);
--clr-secondary-100: hsl(149, 80%, 90%);
--clr-secondary-200: hsl(152, 76%, 80%);
--clr-secondary-300: hsl(156, 72%, 67%);
--clr-secondary-400: hsl(158, 64%, 52%);
--clr-secondary-500: hsl(160, 84%, 39%);
--clr-secondary-900: hsl(164, 86%, 16%);
--clr-neutral-100: hsl(240, 5%, 96%);
--clr-neutral-200: hsl(240, 6%, 90%);
--clr-neutral-300: hsl(240, 5%, 84%);
--clr-neutral-400: hsl(240, 5%, 65%);
--clr-neutral-900: hsl(240, 6%, 10%);
Folder Structure
This library follows a very simple folder structure, based on a mix of the CUBE CSS methodology and personal preference, making it quite opinionated.
Inside this folder, you'll find the base.scss
file, which is intended to create a foundation for your CSS code, where you define your <h1>
sizes, basic <button>
styles, and so on.
There is also the reset.scss
file, which contains a highly opinionated CSS reset based on the Modern CSS Reset with some personal modifications.
Finally, there is our root.scss
file, where you create your custom CSS properties to be used throughout your whole application.
This is where the CUBE CSS methodology comes into play. This folder is intended to create your block styles, essentially classes like .card
, .pill
, .modal
, etc.
For a more in-depth explanation of this topic, please read the Block Section in the CUBE CSS documentation.
Similar to blocks, this folder was created based on the CUBE CSS ideals. Compositions are where you create your single principle utilities that take care of the overall layout of your website/application.
By default, there are some base compositions already created based on the Every Layout book by Andy Bell and Heydon Pickering, which you can read to learn more about what each of those compositions does.
This folder should not be touched at any time. Here you'll find the backbone of the library: generators, functions, mixins, and much more. You'll import this folder very often if you want to use such helpers via the @use
This folder is where you create your utility files containing your generated utility classes. The idea is to separate each type of utility by file and then @forward
them in the index.scss
Inside this folder, you'll find, by default, a bunch of pre-made utilities for you to use. However, feel free to remove and create your own utilities as desired.
Keep in mind that generating a bunch of classes without using them could cause your final .css
file to be gigantic. To avoid this, make sure to use some kind of CSS processor like PostCSS
to remove unused classes.
This is an open-source library and is available under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute the code in accordance with the terms of the license.
Contributions are highly appreciated! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
Contact me
Linkedin: feliperdamaceno