Experimental FRP library for building web applications.
A pure FRP library for JavaScript and TypeScript with the following features/goals:
- Simple and precise semantics similar to classic FRP. This makes the library simpler to use. (the semantics are WIP see here)
- Supports continuous time for performant and expressive declaration of time-dependent behavior.
- Great performance.
- Support for declarative side-effects in a way that is pure, testable and integrates with FRP for powerful handling of asynchronous operations.
Table of contents
Hareactive contains four key type of things: Future, stream, behavior and now. These are explained below.
A future is a value associated with a certain point in time. For instance, the result of a HTTP-request is a future since it occurs at a specific time (when the response is received) and contains a value (the response itself).
Future has much in common with JavaScript's Promises. However, they are simpler. A future has no notion of resolution or rejection. That is, a specific future can be understood simply as a time and a value. Conceptually one can think of them as being implemented simply like this.
{time: 22, value: "Foo"}
A Stream
is a list of futures. That is, a list of values where the
values are each associated with a point in time.
An example could be a stream of keypresses that a user makes. Each keypress happens at a specific moment in time and with a value indicating which key was pressed.
The relationship between Future
and Stream
is the same as the
relationship between having a variable that is a string and a variable
that is a list of strings. You wouldn't store a username as ["username"]
because there is always exactly one username.
Similarly in Hareactive we don't use Stream
to express the result of
a HTTP-request since a HTTP-request only delivers a response exactly
once. Use a Future
for things where there is exactly one occurrence
and Stream
where there may be zero or more.
A behavior represents a value that changes over time. For instance, the current position of the mouse or the value of an input field is a behavior.
Conceptually a behavior can be thought of as a function from a point in time to a value. A behavior always has a value at any given time. This is the difference between a stream and a behavior. A behavior has a value at all points in time where a stream is a series of events that happens at specific moments in time.
Future, stream or behavior?
At first, the difference between the three things may be tricky to understand. Especially if you're used to other libraries where all three are represented as a single structure (maybe called "stream" or "observable"). The key is to understand that the three types represent things that are fundamentally different. And that expressing different things with different structures is beneficial.
You could forget about future and use a stream where you'd otherwise
use a future. Because stream is more powerful than future. In the same
way you could always use arrays of values instead of just single
values. But you don't do that because username = "foo"
that only one username exists whereas username = ["foo"]
gives the
impression that a user can have more than one username. Similarly one
could forget about numbers and just use strings instead. But saying
amount = 22
is obviously better than amount = "22"
This is how to figure out if a certain thing is a future, a stream or a behavior:
- Ask the question: "does the thing always have a current value?". If yes, you're done, the thing should be represented as a behavior.
- Ask the question: "does the thing always happen once?". If yes, the thing should be represented as a future. If no, you should use a stream.
Below are some examples:
- The time remaining before an alarm goes off: The remaining time always have a current value, therefore it is a behavior.
- The moment where the alarm goes off: This has no current value. And since the alarm only goes off a single time this is a future.
- User clicking on a specific button: This has no notion of a current value. And the user may press the button more than once. This is a stream.
- Whether or not a button is currently pressed: This always has a current value. The button is always pressed or not pressed. This should be represented as a behavior.
- The tenth time a button is pressed: This happens once at a specific moment in time. Use a future.
The Now
structure represents a computation at a moment in time.
The computation will always be run in the present—hence the name "now".
is perhaps the most difficult concept in Hareactive.
Now is used for two things
- Creating stateful behaviors
- Running side-effects
Future#listen(o: Consumer<A>): void
Adds a consumer as listener to a future. If the future has already occurred the consumer is immediately pushed to.
fromPromise<A>(p: Promise<A>): Future<A>
Converts a promise to a future.
apply<A, B>(behavior: Behavior<(a: A) => B>, stream: Stream<A>): Stream<B>
Applies a function-valued behavior to a stream. Whenever the stream has an occurrence the value is passed through the current function of the behavior.
filter<A>(predicate: (a: A) => boolean, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>
Returns a stream with all the occurrences from s
for which
returns true
split<A>(predicate: (a: A) => boolean, stream: Stream<A>): [Stream<A>, Stream<A>]
Returns a pair of streams. The first contains all occurrences from
for which predicate
returns true
and the other the
occurrences for which predicate
returns false
filterApply<A>(predicate: Behavior<(a: A) => boolean>, stream: Stream<A>): Stream<A>
Filters a stream by applying the predicate-valued behavior to all occurrences.
keepWhen<A>(stream: Stream<A>, behavior: Behavior<boolean>): Stream<A>
Whenever stream
has an occurrence the current value of behavior
considered. If it is true
then the returned stream also has the
occurrence—otherwise it doesn't. The behavior works as a filter that
decides whether or not values are let through.
scanS<A, B>(fn: (a: A, b: B) => B, startingValue: B, stream: Stream<A>): Behavior<Stream<B>>
A stateful scan.
snapshot<B>(b: Behavior<B>, s: Stream<any>): Stream<B>
Returns a stream that occurs whenever s
occurs. The value of the
occurrence is b
s value at the time.
snapshotWith<A, B, C>(f: (a: A, b: B) => C, b: Behavior<B>, s: Stream<A>): Stream<C>
Returns a stream that occurs whenever s
occurs. At each occurrence
the value from s
and the value from b
is passed to f
and the
return value is the value of the returned streams occurrence.
switchStream<A>(b: Behavior<Stream<A>>): Stream<A>
Takes a stream valued behavior and returns a stream that emits values from the current stream at the behavior. I.e. the returned stream always "switches" to the current stream at the behavior.
changes<A>(b: Behavior<A>): Stream<A>
Takes a behavior and returns a stream that has an occurrence whenever the behavior changes.
combine<A, B>(a: Stream<A>, b: Stream<B>): Stream<(A|B)>
Combines two streams into a single stream that contains the occurrences
of both a
and b
isStream(obj: any): boolean
Returns true
if obj
is a stream and false
delay<A>(ms: number, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>
Returns a stream that occurs ms
milliseconds after s
throttle<A>(ms: number, s: Stream<A>): Stream<A>
Returns a stream that after occuring, ignores the next occurences in ms
when(b: Behavior<boolean>): Behavior<Future<{}>>
Takes a boolean valued behavior an returns a behavior that at any
point in time contains a future that occurs in the next moment where
is true
snapshot<A>(b: Behavior<A>, f: Future<any>): Behavior<Future<A>>
Creates a future than on occurence samples the current value of the behavior and occurs with that value. That is, the original value of the future is overwritten with the behavior value at the time when the future occurs.
switchTo<A>(init: Behavior<A>, next: Future<Behavior<A>>): Behavior<A>
Creates a new behavior that acts exactly like initial
until next
occurs after which it acts like the behavior it contains.
switcher<A>(init: Behavior<A>, s: Stream<Behavior<A>>): Behavior<Behavior<A>>
A behavior of a behavior that switches to the latest behavior from s
stepper<B>(initial: B, steps: Stream<B>): Behavior<B>
Creates a behavior whose value is the last occurrence in the stream.
scan<A, B>(fn: (a: A, b: B) => B, init: B, source: Stream<A>): Behavior<Behavior<B>>
The returned behavior initially has the initial value, on each
occurrence in source
the function is applied to the current value of
the behaviour and the value of the occurrence, the returned value
becomes the next value of the behavior.
fromFunction<B>(fn: () => B): Behavior<B>
This takes an impure function that varies over time and returns a
pull-driven behavior. This is particularly useful if the function is
contionusly changing, like Date.now
isBehavior(b: any): b is Behavior<any>
Returns true
if b
is a behavior and false
time: Behavior<Time>
A behavior whose value is the number of milliseconds elapsed win UNIX
epoch. I.e. its current value is equal to the value got by calling
timeFrom: Behavior<Behavior<Time>>
A behavior giving access to continous time. When sampled the outer behavior gives a behavior with values that contain the difference between the current sample time and the time at which the outer behavior was sampled.
integrate(behavior: Behavior<number>): Behavior<Behavior<number>>
Integrate behavior with respect to time.
The Now monad represents a computation that takes place in a given moment and where the moment will always be now when the computation is run.
async<A>(comp: IO<A>): Now<Future<A>>
Run an asynchronous IO action and return a future in the Now monad that resolves with the eventual result of the IO action once it completes. This function is what allows the Now monad to execute imperative actions in a way that is pure and integrated with FRP.
sample<A>(b: Behavior<A>): Now<A>
Returns the current value of a behavior in the Now monad. This is possible because computations in the Now monad have an associated point in time.
performStream<A>(s: Stream<IO<A>>): Now<Stream<A>>
Takes a stream of IO
actions and return a stream in a now
computation. When run the now computation executes each IO
and delivers their result into the created stream.
performStreamLatest<A>(s: Stream<IO<A>>): Now<Stream<A>>
A variant of performStream
where outdated IO
results are ignored.
performStreamOrdered<A>(s: Stream<IO<A>>): Now<Stream<A>>
A variant of performStream
where IO
results occur in the same order.
plan<A>(future: Future<Now<A>>): Now<Future<A>>
Convert a future now computation into a now computation of a future. This function is what allows a Now-computation to reach beyond the current moment that it is running in.
runNow<A>(now: Now<Future<A>>): Promise<A>
Run the given Now-computation. The returned promise resolves once the future that is the result of running the now computation occurs. This is an impure function and should not be used in normal application code.
Contributions are very welcome. Development happens as follows:
Install dependencies.
npm install
Run tests.
npm test
Running the tests will generate an HTML coverage report in ./coverage/
Continuously run the tests with
npm run test-watch
We also use tslint
for ensuring a coherent code-style.
Get set up to running the benchmarks:
npm run build
Run all benchmarks with:
npm run bench
Run a single benchmark with:
node benchmark/<name-of-benchmark>
For example
node benchmark/scan.suite