A collection of reusable contracts and Javascript helpers for Ethereum.
HardlyDifficult Ethereum Contracts
A collection of reusable contracts and Javascript helpers for Ethereum.
npm i hardlydifficult-eth
Javascript Helpers
These helpers which will deploy contracts for testing using the exact bytecode and configuration as they have on mainnet, with the exception that you are the owner to enable privileged actions such as mint
You can deploy these to Ganache or any network for testing. The scripts simply use your current web3 configuration.
Using these will give you an accurate representation of gas costs, error conditions, and any oddities to their specific implementation.
Take a look at the samples directory for examples
- SAI: ERC-20 with 18 decimals and a mint function
- USDC: an upgradable ERC-20 with 6 decimals and mint and blacklist functions
Usage example:
const { tokens } = require("hardlydifficult-eth");
const from = accounts[0];
// Deploy a SAI contract for testing
const sai = await tokens.sai.deploy(web3, from);
// Mint tokens
await sai.mint(accounts[1], 100, { from });
Unlock is a membership protocol, built on a blockchain. It enables creators to monetize their content or software without relying on a middleman. It lets consumers manage all of their subscriptions in a consistent way, as well as earn discounts when they share the best content and applications they use.
Uniswap DEX
Designed with simplicity in mind, the Uniswap protocol provides an interface for seamless exchange of ERC20 tokens on Ethereum.
Reusable contracts which can be imported into your Solidity contract.
- Interfaces for 3rd party contracts:
- Uniswap
- AntiOwnerProxy: set as the owner of a contract to allow anyone to make an ownerOnly call