Hardhat plugin for managing compilation artifacts
Hardhat Soko
Hardhat plugin in order to manage your smart contract compilation artifacts.
When compiling the smart contracts, the developer will generate compilation artifacts. They will contain all the needed informations for further tasks such as deployment, verification or simple contract interactions.
These compilation artifacts are generally ignored and not commited nor stored. At best, compilation artifact for a contract is contained within its deployment summary. Not having a clear way of identifying or re-using an artifact is a painful experience for all developers working closely or remotely with the smart contracts:
- the smart contract developer is afraid of erasing artifacts that are still needed when developing new features,
- the "smart contract devops" has to execute the deployment or interaction scripts with artifact that are meant to be thrown away, it complexifies drastically the sharing of ABIs and deployments to the rest of the team,
- the developer using the deployed smart contracts often ends up copy pasting deployed addresses and ABIs without having a clear vision on it.
The goal of this plugin is to encourage the developer to organize the compilation artifacts by releases, hence freezing them once created. These artifacts would be stored on a dedicated storage in order to enable an easy conservation and retrieval.
Once the artifacts are kept safe on the storage, developers can easily leverage them in order to execute the same tasks as before but in a safer and clearer way:
- deployment scripts depend only on frozen artifacts,
- the artifact associated to a deployed contract can be easily found, hence allowing simple verification or interaction,
- pipelines can be built using the stored artifacts in order to expose safely to other developers the ABIs and the deployed contracts.
Installation can be made using any package manager
npm install hardhat-soko
pnpm install hardhat-soko
yarn add hardhat-soko
In the hardhat.config.ts/js
file, one should import the hardhat-soko
plugin and fill the Soko configuration.
import { HardhatUserConfig } from "hardhat/config";
import "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox";
import "hardhat-soko";
export const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
... // Existing configuration
// Example configuration for Soko with AWS S3 as storage for compilation artifacts
soko: {
project: "awesome-stuff",
pulledArtifactsPath: ".soko",
typingsPath: ".soko-typings",
storageConfiguration: {
type: "aws",
awsRegion: AWS_REGION,
awsBucketName: AWS_S3_BUCKET,
awsAccessKeyId: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
awsSecretAccessKey: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
Here is the detailled TypeScript type of the configuration
type SokoHardhatUserConfig = {
// The name of the project
project: string;
// Local path in which artifacts will be pulled
// Default to `.soko`
pulledArtifactsPath?: string;
// Local path in which typings will be generated
// Default to `.soko-typings`
typingsPath?: string;
// Configuration of the storage where the artifacts will be stored
// Only AWS is supported for now
storageConfiguration: {
type: "aws";
awsRegion: string;
awsBucketName: string;
awsAccessKeyId: string;
awsSecretAccessKey: string;
// If enabled, all tasks are running with activated debug mode
// Default to `false`
debug?: boolean;
Projects, tags and IDs
An ID, e.g. dcauXtavGLxC
, is derived for each compilation artifact. The ID is based on the content of the artifact.
A tag, e.g. v1.2.3
, can be associated to a compilation artifact when pushed.
A project, e.g. my-project
, will gather many compilation artifacts.
A project is setup at the level of the Hardhat Config, it will be used when pushing new artifacts or as default for the other commands. It is however possible to pull any projects you control.
[!NOTE] The code snippets in this section uses
but one can choose something else
An overview of the Soko tasks is exposed by running the soko
npx hardhat soko
Help about any task scopped under soko is available:
npx hardhat help soko push
Push a local compilation artifact for the configured project to the storage, creating the remote artifact with its ID and optionally tagging it.
Only push the compilation artifact without an additional tag:
npx hardhat soko push --artifact-path ./path/to/my/artifact.json
Or use a tag to associate the compilation artifact with it
npx hardhat soko push --artifact-path ./path/to/my/artifact.json --tag v1.2.3
Pull locally the missing artifacts from the configured storage.
One can pull all the artifacts from the configured project
npx hardhat soko pull
Or target a specific artifact using its tag or ID or another project:
npx hardhat soko pull --id 123456
npx hardhat soko pull --tag v1.2.3
npx hardhat soko pull --tag v4.5.6 --project another-project
Once the artifacts have been pulled, one can generate the TypeScript typings based on the pulled projects.
npx hardhat soko typings
[!NOTE] If no projects have been pulled, one can still generate the default typings using this command. It may be helpful for those who do not care about the scripts involving Soko but want to be unblocked in case of missing files.
List the pulled projects and their compilation artifacts.
npx hardhat soko list
Compare a local compilation artifacts with an existing compilation artifact and print the contracts for which differences have been found.
npx hardhat soko diff --artifact-path ./path/to/my/artifact.json --tag v1.2.3
npx hardhat soko diff --artifact-path ./path/to/my/artifact.json --id 123456
Using the typings
The typings are exposed in order to help the developer retrieve easily and safely a contract artifact (ABI, bytecode, etc...).
There are two available utils in order to retrieve a contract artifact, it would depend on the task at hand:
- start with a contract, select one of its available tag
import { project } from "../.soko-typings";
const artifact = await project("my-project")
- start with a tag, select a contract within it
import { project } from "../.soko-typings";
const artifact = await project("my-project")
If typings have been generated from existing projects, the inputs of the utils will be strongly typed and wrong project, tags or contracts names will be detected.
In case there are no projects or the projects have not been pulled, the generated typings are made in such a way that strong typecheck disappears and any string can be used with the helper functions.
Retrieve full compilation artifact
The full compilation artifact of a tag can be retrieved using the project("my-project").tag("v1.2.3").getCompilationArtifact
Example with hardhat-deploy
A simple example can be made with the hardhat-deploy plugin for deploying a released smart contract.
The advantage of this deployment is that it only works with frozen artifacts. New development will never have an impact on it.
import { HardhatRuntimeEnvironment } from "hardhat/types";
import { DeployFunction } from "hardhat-deploy/types";
import { project } from "../.soko-typings";
const deployMyExample: DeployFunction = async function (
hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment,
) {
const { deployer } = await hre.getNamedAccounts();
const myExampleArtifact = await project("my-project")
await hre.deployments.deploy(`[email protected]`, {
contract: {
abi: myExampleArtifact.abi,
bytecode: myExampleArtifact.evm.bytecode.object,
metadata: myExampleArtifact.metadata,
from: deployer,
export default deployMyExample;