This module can read, modify and save HAProxy config files
HAProxy Config
This module can read, modify and write config files that are compatible with HAProxy with 0 dependencies. Every line of configuration will be checked for validity by key (value can be anything).
Loading Config
To load an existing configuration file, just use the constructor:
var HAProxyConfig = require('haproxy-config');
var haproxyConfig = new HAProxyConfig('/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg');
haproxyConfig.loadConfig(function(err) {
if(!!err) {
// Handle this
// haproxyConfig is now filled with the existing configuration
Creating or Modifying Config
If you want to create a configuration from scratch or want to modify an existing configuration file, you can use the following functions:
haproxyConfig.addSection(type, name) Used to add a section to the configuration file. The type can be any of 'global', 'defaults', 'frontend', 'listen' or 'backend'. Not checked is the name and can be anything. This function returns a section object to which you can add a configuration.
mySection.addConfig(key, value) Used to add a configuration line to the section. For validity, the key will be checked (does the key exist and is it allowed within this section). A full list of valid keys can be found here (not supported are deprecated keys): http://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/1.7/configuration.html#4.1 The value can be anything and is not checked.
Saving Config
When you are done created your configuration file, it can be saved by calling the following command:
haproxyConfig.save(function(err) {
if(!!err) {
// Handle this
The configuration will be saved to the path given in the constructor. If the file exists it will be overwritten.