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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Application state management with triggers that span both urgent and non-urgent states to account for more graceful recoveries




Happy Feet

Application state management with triggers that span both urgent and non-urgent states to account for more graceful and staggered recoveries.

State Management

Sometimes healthy isn't so straight forward. Intermediate states can help fill the void.

const happy = require('happy-feet')();

// by default, happy.state === happy.STATE.HAPPY

// sometimes apps want to differentiate between unhealthy, and not-yet-healthy...
happy.state = happy.STATE.STARTING;

// app is now running
happy.state = happy.STATE.HAPPY;

// something went wrong, but we're still operational.
// eventual escalation to UNHAPPY
happy.state = happy.STATE.WARN;

// other times, maybe you just want your own custom state -- who are we to judge?
happy.state = 'BLACK_HOLE';

happy.state = happy.STATE.UNHAPPY;

// once state set to UNHAPPY it is irreversible, future states will be ignored


The core functionality of happy-feet lies in setting the state property of your happy-feet instance. This state may be set automatically by happy-feet as it monitors your process or set by your application. The value of this state can be automatically reflected at a web service URL via one of the provided middlewares. This can be used to signal to supervising processes that are monitoring this health indicator when they need to take corrective action.

You may also decide to manually use the happy-feet API to roll your own state management logic:

const happy = require('happy-feet')({ /* optional options */ });

// happy.state === happy.STATE.HAPPY by default

if (happy.state !== happy.STATE.HAPPY) {
  // do something about it

There are three built-in values that have a special meaning to happy-feet:

| State | Meaning | |-------|---------| | happy.STATE.HAPPY | This indicates that your service is in a healthy state | | happy.STATE.WARN | This means your service is having problems. The health check page will reflect an OK status, but eventually the state will automatically transition to UNHAPPY. | | happy.STATE.UNHAPPY | This signals that your service instance should be considered ready to be terminated/restarted due to being in a bad state. |

You can also use custom states if you're rolling your own health status implementation.

Automatic state change triggers include soft and hard limits. Soft limits trigger a warning state (a temporary successful state) indicating the eventual need to be restarted, while hard limits trigger a state of immediate urgency.

The automatic transition from the WARN state to UNHAPPY is done after a random amount of time, which is configurable with the escalationSoftLimitMin and escalationSoftLimitMax settings. The purpose of this randomness is to avoid each member of a service cluster being taken down at the same time in case of full cluster impacting faults.

Here's a full list of configuration options for happy-feet:

| Option | Type | Default | Info | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | escalationSoftLimitMin | number | 60 | Minimum time (in seconds) before a WARN state may be escalated to an UNHAPPY state. | | escalationSoftLimitMax | number | 600 | Maximum time (in seconds) before a WARN state may be escalated to an UNHAPPY state. | | uncaughtExceptionSoftLimit | number | 1 | Number of uncaught exceptions before WARN state. | | uncaughtExceptionHardLimit | number | undefined | Number of uncaught exceptions before UNHAPPY state. Disabled by default. | | unhandledRejectionSoftLimit | number | undefined | Number of unhandled rejections before WARN state. Disabled by default. | | unhandledRejectionHardLimit | number | undefined | Number of unhandled rejections before UNHAPPY state. Disabled by default. | | rssSoftLimit | number | undefined | Memory Resident Set Size (in bytes) before WARN state. Disabled by default. | | rssHardLimit | number | undefined | Memory Resident Set Size (in bytes) before UNHAPPY state. Disabled by default. | | heapSoftLimit | number | undefined | Total heap size (in bytes) before WARN state. Disabled by default. | | heapHardLimit | number | undefined | Total heap size (in bytes) before UNHAPPY state. Disabled by default. | | eventLoopSoftLimit | number | undefined | Event Loop delay (in ms) before WARN state. Disabled by default. Recommended value of 150 or higher. | | eventLoopHardLimit | number | undefined | Event Loop delay (in ms) before UNHAPPY state. Disabled by default. Recommended value of 500 or higher. | | timeLimitMin | number | undefined | Minimum time (in seconds) before UNHAPPY state. Disabled by default. Useful for periodic application restarts. Both timeLimitMin and timeLimitMax must be set to use this feature. | | timeLimitMax | number | undefined | Maximum time (in seconds) before UNHAPPY state. Disabled by default. Useful for periodic application restarts. Both timeLimitMin and timeLimitMax must be set to use this feature. | | logger | { warn,error } | console | Logging interface to use when state changes occur. Defaults to use console. | | gracePeriod | number | 300 (5 mins) | The time (in seconds) before any thresholds can trigger an unhealthy state change to alleviate startup pains | | logOnUnhappy | boolean | true | If enabled, all checks for state will be logged if NOT HAPPY to help troubleshoot state changes |

A happy-feet instance has this interface:

| Property | Type | Info | | --- | --- | --- | | state | string | Get/set the current state of your process. | | updateState(state, reason, code) | function | Calling this does the same thing as setting the state property, except it allows you to log a reason for the change. The code argument is there to enable identifying the reason for transitions programmatically (see events below). | | destroy() | function | Use this to free the instance. |

Additionally, each happy-feet instance is an EventEmitter. It emits a change event with the following parameters whenever its state changes:

| Parameter | Type | Info | |-----------|------|------| | state | string | The new state | | reason | string | The textual description of the change | | code | string | Can be any value for custom implementations or manual if the state was changed through assignment. For automatic transitions can be one of the following: uncaughtExceptions, unhandledRejections, memory, eventLoop, or escalation |

Connect Usage

If you've already got an (Connect) API, attach a handler like so:

const happyConnect = require('happy-feet/connect');
const handler = happyConnect({ /* options */ }, { /* optional happy options */ });


// Manually change the state
handler.happy.state = handler.happy.STATE.WARN; 

| Option | Type | Default | Info | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | url | string | "/_health" | Route to return health status. Defaults to common Kubernetes healthcheck route. | | method | string | "GET" | Method required to return health status. | | errorStatus | number | 500 | Status code returned if in UNHAPPY state. | | status | object | {} | A collection of custom overrides for status responses based on individual states. | | status[STATE].statusCode | number | 200|500 | Status code returned for the given state. By default ${errorStatus} is returned for UNHAPPY state, otherwise 200. | | status[STATE].body | string | ${STATE} | Body message returned for the given state. By default ${STATE} will be returned verbatim. | | status[STATE].contentType | string | text/plain | Content type to respond with. |

| Return Property | Type | Info | | --- | --- | --- | | happy | Happy | Instance of Happy. |

Express Usage

If you've already got an (Express) API, attach a handler like so:

const happyExpress = require('happy-feet/express');

const handler = happyExpress({ /* options */ }, { /* optional happy options */ });
app.get('/_health', handler);

// Manually change the state
handler.happy.state = handler.happy.STATE.WARN; 

| Option | Type | Default | Info | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | errorStatus | number | 500 | Status code returned if in UNHAPPY state. | | status | object | {} | A collection of custom overrides for status responses based on individual states. | | status[STATE].statusCode | number | 200|500 | Status code returned for the given state. By default ${errorStatus} is returned for UNHAPPY state, otherwise 200. | | status[STATE].body | string | ${STATE} | Body message returned for the given state. By default ${STATE} will be returned verbatim. | | status[STATE].contentType | string | text/plain | Content type to respond with. |

| Return Property | Type | Info | | --- | --- | --- | | happy | Happy | Instance of Happy. |

API Usage

Or if your service does not expose an API, you can use this helper to expose your healthcheck for you.

const happyApi = require('happy-feet/api');

const handler = happyApi({ /* options */ }, { /* optional happy options */ });

| Option | Type | Default | Info | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | port | 'number' | 80 | HTTP port to bind to. | | url | string | "/_health" | Route to return health status. Defaults to common Kubernetes healthcheck route. | | method | string | "GET" | Method required to return health status. | | errorStatus | number | 500 | Status code returned if in UNHAPPY state. | | status | object | {} | A collection of custom overrides for status responses based on individual states. | | status[STATE].statusCode | number | 200|500 | Status code returned for the given state. By default ${errorStatus} is returned for UNHAPPY state, otherwise 200. | | status[STATE].body | string | ${STATE} | Body message returned for the given state. By default ${STATE} will be returned verbatim. | | status[STATE].contentType | string | text/plan | Content type to responde with. |

| Return Property | Type | Info | | --- | --- | --- | | happy | Happy | Instance of Happy. | | server | http.Server | Instance of http.Server. |

Advanced Healthchecks

The main advantage of Advanced Healthchecks over the default escalation threshold is that a centralized system can coordinate restarts in a more graceful and controlled manner without impact to availability.

If your system for monitoring healthchecks is capable of discerning between catastrophic (remove from LB immediately) and unhealthy (some undesirable event or threshold, operational but eventually should be restarted), happy.STATE.WARN (HTTP statusMessage of WARN) can be leveraged to gracefully handle rolling restarts in whatever fashion deemed acceptable. By default, WARN states will be automatically escalated to UNHAPPY after a period of time to avoid vulnerabilities resulting in mass concurrent crashes and ultimately impact to customers and availability of your services.