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Configuration Options
Runs a fully-configured HAPI server with Winston logging.
All you need to do to run the server is to call it in an async method when your application starts.
import {Server} from 'hapijs-starter';
import * as path from 'path';
async function startServer() : Promise<void> {
const server = new Server({});
await server.initialize();
await server.registerRoutesFromDirectory(path.resolve(__dirname, './api'));
await server.startServer(false);
| Property | Type | Default Value | Details | |---|---|---|---| | host | string | '' | HapiJS host binding | | port | number | 3000 | HapiJS port binding | | cors | boolean | true | Adds a global route for HTTP OPTIONS requests that responds with options headers to allow CORS requests | | statusMonitor | boolean | true | Adds the hapijs-status-monitor plugin that exposes a /status route to get basic server status information | | defaultRoute | boolean | true | Adds a default route that responds with 'hello' to be used for heartbeat requests from reverse proxies | | logDirectory | string | ./logs | directory to store file based logs | | logLevel | string | 'debug' | log level for winston logging | | logJson | boolean | true | should the logs be in JSON format? | | logDefaultFileTransport | boolean | true | Add the default file transport to the logger | | logDefaultConsoleTransport | boolean | true | Add the default console transport to the logger | | logDefaultTraceTransport | boolean | true | Add the default trace transport to the logger | | logAddtionalLoggerTransports | Array | [] | Additional transports to add to the app logger | | logAddtionalTraceTranceports | Array | [] | Additional transports to add to the trace logger | | logAutoTraceLogging | boolean | true | Automatically log http requests to the trace log | | authEnabled | boolean | false | Enable JWT authentication | | authSecret | string | null | JWT secret used to validate JWTs. Required if authEnabled === true | | authValidateFunc | (decoded: any, request: any, callback: any) => any; | (decoded, request, callback) = { return { isValid: true };} | Additional validation function based on hapi-auth-jwt2 validation function |