load the sequelize models/associates for hapi
load the sequelize models/associates for hapi
When registering this module, it loads model files, handles model associations, and sync to the DB.
The sequelize-load object is attached to the server/request object.
npm install --save hapi-sequelize-load
npm install --save sequelize
# And one of the following:
npm install --save pg pg-hstore
npm install --save mysql2
npm install --save sqlite3
npm install --save tedious // MSSQL
1.2.3 only ever create one instance per database
1.2.2 db.getModels is attached to the server.app object.
1.1.0 uses sequelize-load@^0.4.0: associates is no longer an object, but an array.
option logging changed.
Register Plugin
register: require( "hapi-sequlize-load" ),
options: {
dialect: 'postgres',
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
database: 'mydb',
username: 'xxxx',
password: 'xxxx',
define: {
freezeTableName: true,
operatorsAliases: false,
// ... other sequelize options
syncData: __dirname + "/data/sync1.json",
pattern: __dirname + "/**/*.model.js"
function ( err ){
if ( err ){
console.log( err );
This plugin can connect to different databases.
register: require( "hapi-sequlize-load" ),
options: [
dialect: 'postgres',
// ... sequelize options
syncData: __dirname + "/data/pgsync.json",
pattern: __dirname + "/**/*.pg.js",
loaderName: "dbA"
dialect: 'mysql',
// ... sequelize options
syncData: __dirname + "/data/mysync.json",
pattern: __dirname + "/**/*.my.js",
loaderName: "dbB"
dialect: 'mysql',
// ... sequelize options
syncData: __dirname + "/data/mysync2.json",
pattern: __dirname + "/**/*.my2.js"
// loaderName == "db2"
function ( err ){
if ( err ){
console.log( err );
The multiple option defaults to false, which means only ever create one instance per database.
The syncData option is a file path, which is used to save the sync information and must be writable. Each connection must specify a different file.
The pattern option is a string or array that specifies the model file path. Using the glob format.
The loaderName option indicates the request property name.
If not specified, the single database defaults to "db", and multiple databases default to the "db" + options array index.
The sequelize option logging values are extended (insensitive): "SERVER", "CON", "BOTH" , or a function.
"SERVER"|true : uses server.log.
"CON" : uses console.log.
"BOTH" : using both server.log and console.log output.
"benchmark" : uses console.log, and set options.benchmark = true
An instance of sequelize-load is not created until getModels runs.
function ( request, reply ){
return reply({
// request.dbA.sequelize.foo(); ERROR
var Users = request.dbA.getModels( "users" );
// request.dbA.sequelize.foo(); OK
var [Foo1, Foo2] = request.dbB.getModels( "foo1", "foo2" );