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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Hapi plugin that automatically generates RESTful API for CRUD




hapi-sequelize-crud CircleCI

Automatically generate a RESTful API for your models and associations

This plugin depends on hapi-sequelize.

npm install -S hapi-sequelize-crud


Please note that you should register hapi-sequelize-crud after defining your associations.

// First, register hapi-sequelize
await register({
  register: require('hapi-sequelize'),
  options: { ... }

// Then, define your associations
let db = server.plugins['hapi-sequelize'].db;
let models = db.sequelize.models;
associations(models); // pretend this function defines our associations

// Now, register hapi-sequelize-crud
await register({
  register: require('hapi-sequelize-crud'),
  options: {
    prefix: '/v1',
    name: 'db', // the same name you used for configuring `hapi-sequelize` (
    defaultConfig: { ... }, // passed as `config` to all routes created

    // You can specify which models must have routes defined for using the
    // `models` property. If you omit this property, all models will have
    // models defined for them. e.g.
    models: ['cat', 'dog'] // only the cat and dog models will have routes created

    // or
    models: [
      // possible methods: list, get, scope, create, destroy, destroyAll, destroyScope, update
      // the cat model only has get and list methods enabled
      {model: 'cat', methods: ['get', 'list']},
      // the dog model has all methods enabled
      {model: 'dog'},
      // the cow model also has all methods enabled
      // the bat model as a custom config for the list method, but uses the default config for create.
      // `config` if provided, overrides the default config
      {model: 'bat', methods: ['list'], config: { ... }},
      {model: 'bat', methods: ['create']}
      {model: 'fly', config: {
        // interact with the request before hapi-sequelize-crud does
        , ext: {
          onPreHandler: (request, reply) => {
            if (request.auth.hasAccessToFly) reply.continue()
            else reply(Boom.unauthorized())
        // change the response data
        response: {
          schema: {id: joi.string()},
          modify: true


  • list: get all rows in a table
  • get: get a single row
  • scope: reference a sequelize scope
  • create: create a new row
  • destroy: delete a row
  • destroyAll: delete all models in the table
  • destroyScope: use a sequelize scope to find rows, then delete them
  • update: update a row

where queries

It's easy to restrict your requests using Sequelize's where query option. Just pass a query parameter.

// returns only teams that have a `city` property of "windsor"
// GET /team?city=windsor

// results in the Sequelize query:
Team.findOne({ where: { city: 'windsor' }})

You can also do more complex queries by setting the value of a key to JSON.

// returns only teams that have a `` property of "windsor"
// GET /team?city={"address": "windsor"}
// or
// GET /team?city[address]=windsor

// results in the Sequelize query:
Team.findOne({ where: { address: { city: 'windsor' }}})

include queries

Getting related models is easy, just use a query parameter include.

// returns all teams with their related City model
// GET /teams?include=city

// results in a Sequelize query:
Team.findAll({include: City})

If you want to get multiple related models, just pass multiple include parameters.

// returns all teams with their related City and Uniform models
// GET /teams?include[]=city&include[]=uniform

// results in a Sequelize query:
Team.findAll({include: [City, Uniform]})

For models that have a many-to-many relationship, you can also pass the plural version of the association.

// returns all teams with their related City and Uniform models
// GET /teams?include=players

// results in a Sequelize query:
Team.findAll({include: [Player]})

limit and offset queries

Restricting list (GET) and scope queries to a restricted count can be done by passing limit=<number> and/or offset=<number>.

// returns 10 teams starting from the 10th
// GET /teams?limit=10&offset=10

// results in a Sequelize query:
Team.findAll({limit: 10, offset: 10})

order queries

You can change the order of the resulting query by passing order to the query.

// returns the teams ordered by the name column
// GET /teams?order[]=name

// results in a Sequelize query:
Team.findAll({order: ['name']})
// returns the teams ordered by the name column, descending
// GET /teams?order[0]=name&order[0]=DESC
// GET /teams?order=name%20DESC

// results in a Sequelize query:
Team.findAll({order: [['name', 'DESC']]})
// returns the teams ordered by the name, then the city columns, descending
// GET /teams?order[0]=name&order[1]=city

// results in a Sequelize query:
Team.findAll({order: [['name'], ['city']]})

You can even order by associated models. Though there is a sequelize bug that might prevent this from working properly. A workaround is to &include the model you're ordering by.

// returns the players ordered by the team name
// GET /players?order[0]={"model": "Team"}&order[0]=name

// results in a Sequelize query:
Player.findAll({order: [[{model: Team}, 'name']]})

// if the above returns a Sequelize error: `No such column`,
// you can work around this by forcing the join into the query:
// GET /players?order[0]={"model": "Team"}&order[0]=name&include=team

// results in a Sequelize query:
Player.findAll({order: [[{model: Team}, 'name']], include: [Team]})

Authorization and other hooks

You can use Hapi's ext option to interact with the request both before and after this module does. This is useful if you want to enforce authorization, or modify the request before or after this module does. Hapi has a full list of hooks you can use.

Modify the response format

By default, hapi-sequelize-crud routes will respond with the full model. You can modify this using the built-in hapi settings.

await register({
  register: require('hapi-sequelize-crud'),
  options: {
    {model: 'fly', config: {
      response: {
        // setting this schema will restrict the response to only the id
        schema: { id: joi.string() },
        // This tells Hapi to restrict the response to the keys specified in `schema`
        modify: true


Full list of methods

Let's say you have a many-to-many association like this:

Team.belongsToMany(Role, { through: 'TeamRoles' });
Role.belongsToMany(Team, { through: 'TeamRoles' });

You get these:

# get an array of records
GET /team/{id}/roles
GET /role/{id}/teams
# might also append `where` query parameters to search for
GET /role/{id}/teams?members=5
GET /role/{id}/teams?city=healdsburg

# you might also use scopes
GET /teams/{scope}/roles/{scope}
GET /team/{id}/roles/{scope}
GET /roles/{scope}/teams/{scope}
GET /roles/{id}/teams/{scope}

# get a single record
GET /team/{id}/role/{id}
GET /role/{id}/team/{id}

# create
POST /team/{id}/role
POST /role/{id}/team

# update
PUT /team/{id}/role/{id}
PUT /role/{id}/team/{id}

# delete
DELETE /team/{id}/roles #search and destroy
DELETE /role/{id}/teams?members=5

DELETE /team/{id}/role/{id}
DELETE /role/{id}/team/{id}

# include
# include nested associations (you can specify an array if includes)
GET /team/{id}/role/{id}?include=SomeRoleAssociation

# you also get routes to associate objects with each other
GET /associate/role/{id}/employee/{id} # associates role {id} with employee {id}

# you can specify a prefix to change the URLs like this:
GET /v1/team/{id}/roles