Extracts translation keys from handlebars templates and forms JSON from it; generates automatic translations via DeepL.
is an additional command line interface
for handlebars-i18n and other implementations of i18next in handlebars.
- programmatically extract/ update translation strings from handlebars templates and generate i18next conform JSON files from it
- automatic translation of i18next JSON via DeepL’s free API
npm i handlebars-i18n-cli --save-dev
npm link handlebars-i18n-cli
If you do not link the package, you may run into the error bash: i18n-collect: command not found
General Use
1. Language Key Extraction: i18n-collect
i18n-collect <source> <target> <options...>
Generate a file translations.json
holding the translations for de
, fr
, and en
by extracting all key
names intended for i18next translation from all html files in your project:
i18n-collect my-project/**/*.html my-project/translations.json --lng de,en,fr
From a very simple template like this …
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{{_locale}}">
<title>{{__ title}}</title>
{{__ body.greeting textvar1="hello" textvar2="world"}}
… the generated translations.json would be:
"translations": {
"de": {
"title": "de of title",
"body": {
"greeting": "de of body.greeting with variables {{textvar1}} {{textvar2}}"
"en": {
"title": "en of title",
"body": {
"greeting": "en of body.greeting with variables {{textvar1}} {{textvar2}}"
"fr": {
"title": "fr of title",
"body": {
"greeting": "fr of body.greeting with variables {{textvar1}} {{textvar2}}"
2. Automatic Translation via DeepL API: i18n-deepl
i18n-deepl translate <source> <target> <targetLang> <options...>
i18n-deepl translate en.json fi.json fi
Will run the file en.json against DeepL API. From this file
"header": {
"greet": "Hello World!"
… will be generated the Finish translation fi.json:
"header": {
"greet": "Hei maailma!"
Purpose / Motivation
Managing large volumes of translations can be a tedious and time-consuming task, for each change in the template needs to be mapped to all languages. Usually this comes along with a lot of redundant typing or copy/paste action. Moreover the chance of missing some translation strings increases with many translations in play.
automates the task of extracting and updating key names indicating translation strings and
generating template JSON files from them. The key names for the translations need to specified only once in the
template, the carry to the according language JSON is done by the CLI. You then only have to fill in according translations.
In case a translation string expects variables for replacement, these variables will be added to your json template.
If you are not using handlebars-i18n for translation but a custom integration of i18next into handlebars.js, you might be able to appropriate this cli by using the option --translFunc ( see below).
Also handlebars-i18n-cli
allows you to auto-translate a JSON file with an existing translation to another language
via the DeepL API, while the original key names and JSOn structure are kept.
Try the examples folder within this repo.
For generating a single JSON file:
i18n-collect examples/templates/*.html examples/generated/translations.json --lng de,fr,en
For one JSON file per language:
i18n-collect examples/templates/*.html examples/generated/translations.json --separateLngFiles --lng de,fr,en
Programmatical Use
You can use handlebars-i18n-cli
in a programmatical way too. For import and integration of the Javascript Functions see
handlebars-i18n-cli Programmatical Use.
Detailed Description for Command i18n-collect
- The source files can be passed in as glob pattern.
- i18n-collect is agnostic against the data type of the template(s) you want to extract translations keys from. It works
as well as.js
- The output will always be in
format. The file(s) can then be required for your i18next translation as JSON v2
compatibilityJSON: 'v2'
Usage options
or -a
This will order the keys to the translation strings alphabetically in the generated json file(s). When the flag --alphabetical is not set the keys appear in order as within the template(s).
or -dr
For simulation: Logs the result to console, but does not write out the file(s) to disk.
or -e
Create empty value strings for the translations in the json files(s). When the flag --empty is not set the value strings contain current language and key name.
The template
<h1>{{__ headline userName="Frank"}}</h1>
<p>{{__ paragraph}}</p>
would become
"translations": {
"en": {
"headline": "{{userName}}",
"paragraph": ""
instead of
"translations": {
"en": {
"headline": "en of headline with variables {{userName}}",
"paragraph": "en of paragraph"
--lng language1,language2,...languageN
The list of language shortcodes you want to be generated with an own set in the json. Arguments are comma separated (no blank space between, no quotation marks around). If no language is defined, "en" is the default.
or -l
Logs the final result that is written to the json files(s) into the console as well.
or -sf
Write each language in a separate json file instead of a single one.
i18n-collect my-project/template.html my-project/translation.json --lng de,en,fr --separateLngFiles
Will generate three json files: translation.de.json, translation.en.json, and translation.fn.json each holding only the translation for their respective language. By default all translations are written to a single json file.
If you are not using handlebars-i18n for translations but a custom handlebars helper, you might be able to use i18n-collect as well.Say your translation function has the name t instead of handlebars-i18n’s __ (double underscore) and your template usage would look like
{{t myKeyNameToTranslation}}
you can do
i18n-collect my-project/template.html my-project/translation.json --translFunc=t
--translFunc=t then substitutes the default __ with a search for t.
or -u
Update an existing .json file with new translations. All keys in the existing .json are kept, new ones from the template will be added.
Works also with the option --separateLngFiles:
i18n-collect my-project/**/*.html my-project/translation --update --lng de,en,fr --separateLngFiles
Leave out the language ending and json file extension and give only the base name for . In this example case handlebars-i18n-cli would look for translation.de.json, translation.en.json, and translation.en.json to update them. A language file that does not exist yet will be generated.
Detailed Description for i18n-deepl Commands
i18n-deepl is a command-line tool to translate i18next JSON files using the DeepL API. Below is a detailed guide to its commands and usage. To use this tool, you need a valid DeepL API key. Set this key using the setAuth command or provide it directly via the --auth-key option when running commands.
1. setAuth
Saves your DeepL Auth Key as an environment variable in a .env file for future use.
i18n-deepl setAuth <authKey>
i18n-deepl setAuth abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456
Success. DeepL Auth Key is now set.
2. languages
Lists all languages supported by the DeepL API.
i18n-deepl languages [--auth-key <authKey>]
--auth-key <authKey>: (Optional) Provide the DeepL Auth Key directly. If not provided, the tool uses the key from the .env file.
i18n-deepl languages
DeepL’s Supported Languages:
EN - English
DE - German
FR - French
3. translate
Translates the contents of a JSON file into the specified target language and saves the output in a new JSON file. Prerequisite is a (free) API Key for DeepL’s translation service. Get the key here.
i18n-deepl translate <source> <target> <targetLang> [options]
: Path to the source JSON file (e.g., ./translations.json). When target and source file are identical, the result will be added (merged) to the existing file. New translations will be added, existing ones are kept.<target>
: Path where the translated JSON file will be saved.<targetLang>
: Target language code (e.g., fr for French, es for Spanish).
--auth-key, -ak <authKey>
: (Optional) Provide the DeepL Auth Key directly.--source-lang, -sl <sourceLang>
: (Optional) Specify the source language (e.g., en for English). Defaults to auto-detection.--source-nested, -sn <sourceNested>
: (Optional) Specify a nested key within the JSON for translation (e.g., data.translations).--log, -l
: (Optional) Log the translation process to the console.--dryRun, -dr
: (Optional) Perform a dry run, logging the process without modifying or saving data.--options, -o <options>
: (Optional) Pass additional DeepL API options as an object (e.g., --options="{formality: 'less'}").
i18n-deepl translate ./source.json ./output.json fr --source-lang en --log
Translation complete. See ./output.json for your results.
Run tests
npm run test
Copyright (c) 2022-24 Florian Walzel, MIT License