Bundle handlebars as AMD modules with partials as other AMD modules dependencies.
Handlebars.partials = Handlebars.templates
Handlebars partials oficially treated as separate class citizents, while they are templates just the same way as others. Days come by and developers figured out "magic formula" Handlebars.partials = Handlebars.templates
, which works fine if all the precompiled templates being downloaded as a one file.
But what about getting more efficiency from power of requirejs? That's the ultimate goal for this package.
##Handle-b-AMD-le [/ˈhandl·bandl/]
AMD (requirejs) bundler for handlebars templates. It treats partials as a templates, and includes partials-templates (if any) as a main module dependency.
From nodejs script:
var hamdb = require("handlebamdle");
var fs = require("fs");
var templateSrc = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "templates-raw/template.hbs");
var templateAmd = hamdb(templateSrc.toString())
fs.writeFileSync(templateAmd, __dirname + "templates-compiled/template.hbs.js");
From command line:
find tests/templates-raw/ -name '*.hbs' -exec sh -c '"handlebamdle" < "${1}" > "tests/templates-bundled/$(basename ${1/hbs/js})"' -- {} ;
Or less daunting, less functional and less interesting overall.
cat tests/templates-raw/test.hbs | bin/handlebamdle.js > tests/templates-bundled/test.js
##Build from source
Build - npm run build
Test - npm run test
Build - npm run build
Watch for scripts - npm run watch-scripts
Test - npm run test