Utility code to handle REST API rate limiting responses.
This library provides an implementation of the built in fetch
method (see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API) which will handle REST API responses such as 429 Too Many Requests and 500 Internal Server Error that may need retrying.
The library is designed to allow its behaviour to be modified by injecting implementations of classes that override default behaviour. This includes injecting alternate implementations of fetch
such as one designed for mocking the behaviour for testing purposes.
The fetch behaviour is also configurable so its behaviour can be customised to suit different use cases.
The library is designed for Node.js services and the built in fetch
available in Node.js version 18 or later. Import the library as follows:
import { RateLimitingFetch, nonUiContextRateLimitingHandlingOptionsDefaults } from 'handle-rate-limiting-js';
Create an instance of RateLimitingFetch
as follows:
const rateLimitingFetch = new RateLimitingFetch(nonUiContextRateLimitingHandlingOptionsDefaults);
Then call the fetch
in the same way you would call the inbuilt fetch
method. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API.
rateLimitingFetch.fetch(url, options);
Built in fetch dependency
By default, the library is dependent on a JavaScript environment with a built in fetch operation such as Node 18 or later or a modern browser.
To circumvent this, alternate implementations of FetchInterface can be injected.
Configuraing the fetch behaviour
To configure the fetch behaviour, construct RateLimitingFetch
with a custom instance of RateLimitingHandlingOptions
such as:
const myRateLimitingHandlingOptions: RateLimitingHandlingOptions = {
maxRetries: 4,
maxRetryDelayMillis: 120000,
backoffMultiplier: 2,
initialRetryDelayMillis: 10000,
maxJitterMultiplier: 1.4,
const rateLimitingFetch = new RateLimitingFetch(myRateLimitingHandlingOptions);
Testing can be achieved by mocking the behaviour of the fetch
method using the SimpleMockFetchController
as follows:
// Create the instance of RateLimitingFetch...
const rateLimitingFetch = new RateLimitingFetch(nonUiContextRateLimitingHandlingOptionsDefaults);
// Set the fetch implementation to our own MockingFetch instance...
const mockingFetch = new MockingFetch();
// Set the MockingFetch controller...
const simpleMockFetchController = new SimpleMockFetchController();
// Cause the next fetch to return a rate limitng response...
const addRetryAfterResponseHeader = (headers: Map<string, string>): void => {
headers.set('Retry-After', '5');
let nextMockFetchInfo: undefined | MockFetchInfo = {
responseStatusCode: 429,
responseStatusText: 'Too Many Requests',
addResponseHeaders: addRetryAfterResponseHeader
// Now do something that will cause fetch to be invoked and check the result...
const response = await rateLimitingFetch.fetch(url, options);
assertTrue(response.status === 429);
Mocking random rate limiting
To modify the fetch mplementation such that random 429 rate limiting, internal server errors occur, using the following code:
// Create the instance of RateLimitingFetch...
const rateLimitingFetch = new RateLimitingFetch(nonUiContextRateLimitingHandlingOptionsDefaults);
// Set the fetch implementation to our own MockingFetch instance...
const mockingFetch = new MockingFetch();
// Create an instance of RandomMockFetchController and inject it...
const randomMockFetchController = new RandomMockFetchController();