Keeping your Backbone.js straight with Socket.io
This library makes it quick and easy to build a real-time node backend for Backbone.js clients using Socket.io as the communication protocol.
npm install halo
Quick Start/Example
// Get the Halo library
var Halo = require('halo');
// Create a new model
var MyModel = Halo.Model.extend({
initializer : function(options) {
// Initialize your model
properties : {
defaults : {
someProperty : "a default value"
someMethod : function() {
// Do some stuff
someOtherMethod : function() {
// Do some other stuff
// Create a collection to hold the instances of MyModel
MyModel.collection = new Halo.Collection({contains: MyModel});
// Create a view model. This determines how your model can be
// viewed and interacted with by clients
var MyModelView = Halo.views.socket.Model.extend({
properties : {
// The name string should be used as your Backbone.js Model's URL.
name : "MyModels",
obj : MyModel,
// This dictionary defines what your front-end clients have
// permission to do. Possible values include:
// create, read, update, destroy, list
routes : {
'create' : 'create',
'read' : 'read',
'update' : 'update',
'list' : 'list'
// If you have custom logic for a given action, just
// provide a function with the name of the action.
update : function(client, data) {
var myModel = MyModel.collection.get(data.id);
if (!myModel.get('someProperty' !=== "a default value")) {
// When setting properties on a model, you can pass in
// an array limiting the names of the properties to set.
myModel.set(data, ['someProperty']);
return this.render(client, myModel, data);
var voteView = new VoteView();
// Create a router object and add the views that you'd like
// external clients to be able to access.
var router = new Halo.Router();
// Now you can create a Backbone model and collection for the MyModel
// with the URL property set to "MyModels". Any time a any client saves
// a change to a model, that change will get pushed to all other clients
// who have a copy of that instance of MyModel. Creating new MyModels
// will add that new instance to any Backbone collection connected to
// MyModels.
The code for Halo.sync was heavily borrowed from Backbone.ioBind, created by Jake Luer, and distributed under the MIT license. You can find his original library at http://alogicalparadox.com/backbone.iobind/ https://github.com/logicalparadox/backbone.iobind
Released under the MIT license. See file called LICENSE for more details.