halfwidth kit
halfwidth kit
npm install halfwidth-kit
Usage & Api
var halfwidth_kit = require("halfwidth-kit");
Calculate the halfwidth-length of a string
halfwidthLength( str [, regHalfwidth ] )
An RegExp object of Halfwidth charset for calculation.
The default value is /[\u0000-\u00ff\uFF61-\uFF9F\uFFE8-\uFFEE]+/ug.
When set `false`, use the default charset by not-Fullwidth, that is,
the default value is /[^\u1100-\u115F\u11A3-\u11A7 ... \u{30000}-\u{3FFFD}]+/ug.
A user-defined RegExp object should contain some key elements like '/[...]+/ug' or '^' if needed.
NOTE: To all types, such as Fullwidth, Narrow, Wide, Ambiguous, and even the Halfwidth,
the actual display width depend on the font system of the environment, not only on the unicode standard.
halfwidth_kit.length("aaa") === 3 &&
halfwidth_kit.length("是是是") === 6 &&
halfwidth_kit.length("aaa是是是") === 9 &&
halfwidth_kit.length("A\uD87E\uDC04Z") === 4 &&
halfwidth_kit.length("😄") === 2 &&
In author's VsCode, without Adlam font support, the 4 chars are shown as 4 'unknown's,
i.e. 4 same halfwidth 'unknown' chars, so this test add them to the halfwidth charset,
to make the result equals 4.
halfwidth_kit.length("𞤲𞥋𞤣𞤫", /[𞤲𞥋𞤣𞤫\u0000-\u00ff\uFF61-\uFF9F\uFFE8-\uFFEE]+/gu) === 4 &&
//In author's VsCode, only the "∈" is a Fullwidth char, so the test want result be 10.
halfwidth_kit.length("∀𝑥∈ℝ,𝑥²≥0", /[∀𝑥ℝ,𝑥²≥0]+/ug) === 10 && //defined the Halfwidth
halfwidth_kit.length("∀𝑥∈ℝ,𝑥²≥0", /[^∈\u1100-\u115F\u11A3-\u11A7]+/ug) === 10 && //or defined the Fullwidth
Calculate the index of a string by halfwidth
halfwidthIndex( str, startIndex, halfwidthCount [, regHalfwidth ] )
The start index of the string.
Note: If startIndex is not from head, i.e value 0, be careful to select a startIndex
to avoid spliting a unicode char. An example: "A😄Z".slice(0,2) === 'A\uD83D',
in this case, the startIndex should be 1 or 3, not a 2 that cause error.
The halfwidth count to step forward.
refer .length().
halfwidth_kit.getIndex("12一二34三四", 3, 6) === 7 &&
halfwidth_kit.getIndex("12一二34三四", 3, 99) === 8 &&
halfwidth_kit.getIndex("12一二34三四", 0, 8) === 6 &&
halfwidth_kit.getIndex("12一二34三四", 0, 9) === 6 &&
halfwidth_kit.getIndex("12一二34三四", 0, 10) === 7 &&
halfwidth_kit.getIndex("A\uD87E\uDC04Z", 0, 1) === 1 &&
halfwidth_kit.getIndex("A\uD87E\uDC04Z", 0, 2) === 1 &&
halfwidth_kit.getIndex("A\uD87E\uDC04Z", 0, 3) === 3 &&
Slice a string by halfwidth
halfwidthSlice( str, startHalfwidth, endHalfwidth [, regHalfwidth ] )
The start halfwidth index.
If startHalfwidth < 0, it will be counted from the end of the string.
The end halfwidth index.
Set null/undefined to indicate the end of the string.
Set 0 to indicate the start of the string.
If endHalfwidth < 0, it will be counted from the end of the string.
refer .length().
halfwidth_kit.slice("12一二34三四", 0, 2) === "12" &&
halfwidth_kit.slice("12一二34三四", 0, 3) === "12" &&
halfwidth_kit.slice("12一二34三四", 0, 4) === "12一" &&
halfwidth_kit.slice("12一二34三四", 2, -2) === "一二34三" &&
halfwidth_kit.slice("12一二34三四", 3, -3) === "一二34三" &&
halfwidth_kit.slice("12一二34三四", 4, -4) === "二34" &&
halfwidth_kit.slice("12一二34三四", -1) === "" &&
halfwidth_kit.slice("12一二34三四", -2) === "四" &&
halfwidth_kit.slice("12一二34三四", -3) === "四" &&
halfwidth_kit.slice("12一二34三四", -4) === "三四" &&
halfwidth_kit.slice("12一二3", -1) === "3" &&
halfwidth_kit.slice("12一二3", -2) === "3" &&
halfwidth_kit.slice("12一二3", -3) === "二3" &&