A simple command framework for Eris
Haft is a simple command framework for Eris Discord library. It allows you to handle commands easily with ability to type-check their arguments.
The main data class you should be working with is Haft.FrameworkBot
const Haft = require('haft');
const bot = new Haft.FrameworkBot('BOT_TOKEN', { prefix: '~' });
You can register commands, cooldown buckets and command groups using methods on this data class:
// Define a bucket which we can use later to limit command usage.
// This one allows all commands that use it to be called only 5 times every 30 seconds, with 2 second delay.
bot.bucket('stuff', new Haft.Ratelimit(2, 30, 5));
bot.command('args', { arg1: Number, arg2: String }, (m, args) => {
m.respond(`Arguments: ${Object.values(args)}`); // Will respond if someone says ~args
}, { bucket: 'stuff' }); // We use the bucket here.
bot.commandGroup('Emojis', 'emoji', register => {
register('cat', {}, (m) => {
m.respond(':cat:'); // Will respond if someone says ~emoji cat
register('dog', {}, (m) => {
m.respond(':dog:'); // Will respond if someone says ~emoji dog
- maxArgs - maximum allowed amount of arguments
- minArgs - minimum required amount of arguments
- allowDM - if false won't allow a command to be used in DM
- onlyDM - if true won't allow a command to be used in guilds
- onlyOwners - only allows bot owners to call this command
- alias - an alias that allows a command to be used under a different name
- aliases - similar to alias but accepts an array
- bucket - allows to use a ratelimiting bucket
- checks - an array of functions that stop execution if falsy value is returned
- requiredPermissions - permission names a person that executes the command should have. Doesn't work in DM.
- blockedUsers, blockedGuilds - limits bot usage
- listenToMentions, allowWhitespace, prefix - configures prefix
- accountType - allows to change what kind of accounts should bot ignore
- owners - allows to specify owners for onlyOwners commands