Match HAFAS legs or departures/arrivals with OpenStreetMap transit line colours.
Match legs
or departures
found with hafas-client
with OpenStreetMap transit line colours from datasets generated using osm-transit-lines
npm install hafas-osm-line-colours
// the actual methods are wrapped in this creator method because we only want the search tree to be created once, not every time we actually search for a line
// takes a couple of seconds to create the client, depending on the size of your line dataset, but can then handle up to 250.000 queries per second
// note that the data will be stored in-memory, so double-check your hardware before loading a dataset that covers the entire planet
const createTransitLineColourClient = require('hafas-osm-line-colours')
const hafas = require('db-hafas')('user-agent')
const osmTransitLines = require('osm-transit-lines')
const main = async () => {
const berlinBbox = { south: 52.3418234221, north: 52.6697240587, west: 13.0882097323, east: 13.7606105539 }
const berlinTransitLines = await osmTransitLines(berlinBbox, { wikidata: true }) // see `osm-transit-lines` docs
const { legLineColour, departureOrArrivalLineColour } = createTransitLineColourClient(berlinTransitLines) // methods exposed by this module
// departures/arrivals
const virchowKlinikumBerlin = '000730855'
const [departure] = await hafas.departures(virchowKlinikumBerlin) // next train is a tram 50
const departureLineColour = departureOrArrivalLineColour(departure) // { backgroundColour: '#36ab94', textColour: null } (colour of tram 50), null if no matching background colour was found
const [arrival] = await hafas.arrivals(virchowKlinikumBerlin) // next train is a tram M13
const arrivalLineColour = departureOrArrivalLineColour(arrival) // { backgroundColour: '#00cc00', textColour: null } (colour of tram M13), null if no matching background colour was found
const zehlendorf = '008089098'
const mexikoplatz = '008089023'
const [journey] = await hafas.journeys(zehlendorf, mexikoplatz) // only leg is an S1 train
const lineColour = legLineColour(journey.legs[0]) // { backgroundColour: '#d474ae', textColour: null } (colour of S1), null if no matching background colour was found
Since the lines list returned by osm-transit-lines
tends to be quite large, the module also exposes two helper methods that allow you to transform the lines list into a more memory-efficient array (that can also be stored) from which you can create a line colour client as well:
const { linesToPoints, createLineColourClientFromPoints } = require('hafas-osm-line-colours')
const main = async () => {
const berlinBbox = { south: 52.3418234221, north: 52.6697240587, west: 13.0882097323, east: 13.7606105539 }
const berlinTransitLines = await osmTransitLines(berlinBbox, { wikidata: true }) // see `osm-transit-lines` docs
const berlinTransitLinePoints = linesToPoints(berlinTransitLines)
const { legLineColour, departureOrArrivalLineColour } = createLineColourClientFromPoints(berlinTransitLines)
If you found a bug or want to propose a feature, feel free to visit the issues page.