print out which hackers your application depends on
Print the list of hackers your application depends on.
For a quick list of hackers, just do hacker-deps $APP_ROOT
$ hacker-deps ~/projects/substack.net
42.7% James Halliday (substack)
14.5% Dominic Tarr (dominictarr)
6.9% Raynos (Raynos)
5.0% undefined
4.5% Isaac Z. Schlueter (isaacs)
2.7% Joshua Holbrook (jesusabdullah)
2.1% Max Ogden (maxogden)
1.9% ariya (ariya)
1.8% ForbesLindesay (ForbesLindesay)
1.8% johnny (NHQ)
1.7% Tim Caswell (creationix)
1.6% Constellation (Constellation)
1.3% Thorsten Lorenz (thlorenz)
1.3% Robert Kieffer (broofa)
1.3% Roman Shtylman (shtylman)
1.2% TJ Holowaychuk (visionmedia)
1.2% Nick Fitzgerald (mozilla)
0.9% Christopher Jeffrey (chjj)
0.9% Alex Gorbatchev (alexgorbatchev)
0.9% James Burke (jrburke)
0.7% Julian Gruber (juliangruber)
0.4% Mathias Bynens (bestiejs)
0.4% mishoo (mishoo)
0.4% Brian J. Brennan (brianloveswords)
0.4% Romain Beauxis (toots)
0.3% T. Jameson Little (beatgammit)
hacker-deps finds all package.json files and finds who wrote each non-private package depended on in your application.
In this list the percentage is a normalized sum of all the packages in the dependency graph weighted by distance to give a rough estimate of how reliant your application is on the work of each hacker in the results.
To supplement the list of hackers with lists of packages, add --verbose
$ hacker-deps ~/projects/substack.net --verbose | head -n30
42.7% James Halliday (substack)
falafel brfs http-browserify resolve
vm-browserify browser-pack commondir astw
lexical-scope insert-module-globals detective module-deps
wordwrap optimist parents shell-quote
syntax-error browserify deck ent
comandante git-file internet-timestamp mkdirp
ordered-emitter duplex-pipe http-duplex pushover
glog hyperquest hyperglue hyperspace
buffers trumpet baudio
14.5% Dominic Tarr (dominictarr)
through JSONStream crypto-browserify from
map-stream pause-stream split stream-combiner
6.9% Raynos (Raynos)
console-browserify duplexer class-list
5.0% undefined
custom skip lexical-scope-test indexof
4.5% Isaac Z. Schlueter (isaacs)
inherits sax
You can also print the list of modules ranked by module score with --modules
$ hacker-deps ~/projects/substack.net --modules | head -n20
findit 12.0 % James Halliday (substack)
hyperquest 12.0 % James Halliday (substack)
walk-fs 12.0 % skoni (skoni)
optimist 12.0 % James Halliday (substack)
text-table 12.0 % James Halliday (substack)
through 6.0 % Dominic Tarr (dominictarr)
duplexer 6.0 % Raynos (Raynos)
seq 6.0 % James Halliday (substack)
wordwrap 6.0 % James Halliday (substack)
minimist 6.0 % James Halliday (substack)
traverse 4.0 % James Halliday (substack)
chainsaw 3.0 % James Halliday (substack)
hashish 3.0 % James Halliday (substack)
usage: hacker-deps OPTIONS
-v, --verbose Verbose module output for the default output mode
-m, --modules List the normalized weights of each module used.
-b, --budget Hypothetical amount to budget for open source.
-s, --socialism Coefficient of socialism for --budget (default: 1.5)
var hdeps = require('hacker-deps')
hdeps(root, cb)
Compute the hacker dependencies starting at the application path root
cb(err, hackers)
fires once the complete graph has been traced with hackers
an array of entries sorted by a contribution score. Each row looks like:
name: 'Dominic Tarr',
github: 'dominictarr',
packages: {
split: 1.5,
through: 3.1666666666666665,
'vec2-dom': 1,
'vec2-layout': 2,
example: 2,
rec2: 0.5,
hyperscript: 0.5
score: 0.24436807941962585
The score
is a normalized contribution score that shows how reliant your
application is on this author.
The packages
object is non-normalized package data according to the sum of
1/(2 * distance)
where distance
is the number of dependencies up the
dependency hierarchy. The assumption here is that modules that are further away
are probably less crucial to your application.
With npm do:
npm install -g hacker-deps