Il faut mettre enplace un framework assez solide pour remplacer react, vue ou encore angular
is a frontend javascript framework to build user interface
Create a component
const App = Habame.createComponent('App', function() {
// Define your component states, actions, event and others here
}, `<div>Welcome to Habame</div>`);
Render a component
const root = Habame.createRoot(document.getElementById('app'));
// or
Create an action and call it
const App = Habame.createComponent('App', function({ Actions }) {
Actions.callMeWithEvent = function($event) {
alert('Hello '+ $event.target.getAttribute('name') +'!');
Actions.callMeWithValue = function(name) {
alert('Hello '+ name +' !');
<div><button events.click="callMeWithEvent" name = "Afeinclan" >Call me!</button></div>
<div><button events.click="callMeWithValue($event.target.getAttribute('name'))" name = "PrinceMo" >Hey dude!</button></div>
<div><button events.click="callMeWithEvent($event)" name = "Sarkodie" >Finish here!</button></div>
Create and update state in component
const App = Habame.createComponent('App', function({ State, Actions }) {
State.init({ value: 0, square: 0 });
Actions.setValue = function(event) {
State.value = Number(event.target.value);
State.square = State.value * State.value;
<input type="number" events.input="setValue" />
<div>The square of {{ value }} is {{ square }}</div>
Work with props
by default props are send to component but it doesn't affect the component state
const App = Habame.createComponent('App', function({ State, Actions }) {
State.init({ nbClick: 0 });
Actions.clickMe = function() {
<NbClick props.count = "nbClick" />
<button events.click = "clickMe" >Click</button>
const root = Habame.createRoot(document.getElementById('app'));
- In this case, count will empty and will never update
Habame.createComponent('NbClick', function() {}, `<div >You click {{ count }} time.s</div>`);
- Will show the first value captured, but will never update the state when the props will be update
Habame.createComponent('NbClick', function({ State, Props }) {
State.add('count', Props.count);
}, `<div >You click {{ count }} time.s</div>`);
- Chose the moment you want to update your component state
Habame.createComponent('NbClick', function({ State, Props }) {
State.add('count', Props.count);
Props.onUpdate('count', (value) => {
if(value % 2 === 0) {
State.count = value;
}, `<div >You click {{ count }} time.s</div>`);
- Full Synchronisation with props, will automatically add and update your state when the props will be updated
Habame.createComponent('NbClick', function({ State, Props }) {
// State.useProps(Props, ['count']); // chose only props to synchronise automatically
}, `<div >You click {{ count }} time.s</div>`);
use HbEvent to make a communication between parent and child component
Habame.createComponent('CustomCountButton', function({ HbEvent, Actions }) {
const onClick = HbEvent.create('onClick');
Actions.emitTheClick = function() {
<button events.click="emitTheClick" >Click me!</button>
const App = Habame.createComponent('App', function({ State, Actions }) {
count: 0
Actions.eventFromChild = function() {
{{ count }} nb click
<CustomCountButton events.onClick="eventFromChild" />
Element Reference
Reference will allow you to get element from view (html element or component)
- get html element
const App = Habame.createComponent('App', function({ State, Actions, Refs }) {
State.init({ value: 0, square: 0 });
Actions.calculate = function() {
const target = Refs.input.target();
State.value = Number(target.value);
State.square = State.value * State.value;
<input type="number" ref="input" /> <button events.click="calculate">Calculate</button>
<div>The square of {{ value }} is {{ square }}</div>
- get component In this case, you could call the public function of component if available
Habame.createComponent('SwitchButton', function({ State }) {
State.init({ isOn: false });
return { // public functions for parent component
toggle: () => {
State.isOn = !State.isOn;
<div >{{ isOn ? 'Button is on' : 'Button is off' }}</div>
const App = Habame.createComponent('App', function({ Actions, Refs }) {
Actions.togglePlayer = function() {
const switchButton = Refs.switchButton.target();
<SwitchButton ref="switchButton" />
<button events.click = 'togglePlayer' >Toggle</button>
- collection of ref
collection of ref work only for loop context,
must be define the same tag
const App = Habame.createComponent('App', function({ Actions, Refs }) {
Actions.togglePlayer = function() {
Refs.switchButton.each((button) => {
<SwitchButton ref="switchButton" repeat="element in 1..3" />
<button events.click = 'togglePlayer' >Toggle</button>
Work with Loop
- use repeat with
const App = Habame.createComponent('App', function() {},
<div repeat="index in 5..3" >
the index is {{ index }}
<div repeat="index, value in 5..3" >
the value at {{ index }} is {{ value}}
<div repeat="5..3 as (index, value)" >
the value at {{ index }} is {{ value}}
<div repeat="5..3 as value" >
the value at {{ index }} is {{ value}} <!-- index will be automatically available -->
- use repeat with
index in iterable
(index, value) in iterable
iterable as value
iterable as (index, value)
const App = Habame.createComponent('App', function({ State, Actions, Refs }) {
State.add('products', []);
Actions.addProduct = function() {
const target = Refs.input.target();
target.value = '';
<li repeat="products as product" >
{{ product }}
<input type="text" ref="input" /> <button events.click = "addProduct" >Add +</button>
If control structure
will allow you to easly show or display component or html element
const App = Habame.createComponent('App', function({ State, Actions }) {
State.add('pill', '');
Actions.chosePill = function($event) {
State.pill = $event.target.value;
<div>Chose your pill</div>
<label >
<input type="radio" name="pill" value="blue" events.change="chosePill" />
<label >
<input type="radio" name="pill" value="red" events.change="chosePill" />
<div if="pill === 'red'">Welcome into the matrix</div>
<div elseif="pill === 'blue'">Welcome into the reality</div>
<div else="" >You have to do your choice</div>
Create a service
Habame.createService('ProductService', function(State) {
State.add('productList', []);
this.addProduct = function(name, price) {
State.productList.push({ name, price });
}, { isUniqueInstance: true }); // use isUniqueInstance to share the same instance of service among applicaton component
Habame.createComponent('ProductForm', function({ Actions, Refs }) {
const productService = Habame.Services.ProductService;
Actions.addProduct = function() {
const nameInput = Refs.name.target();
const priceInput = Refs.price.target();
productService.addProduct(nameInput.value, priceInput.value);
nameInput.value = '';
priceInput.value = '';
<input type="text" ref="name" placeholder="Name" /> <input type="text" ref="price" placeholder="Price" /> <button events.click = "addProduct" >Add +</button>
const App = Habame.createComponent('App', function({ State }) {
State.useService(Habame.Services.productService); // will sync your component state with all service states
// State.useService(Habame.Services.productService, ['productList']); // will sync your component state with only required service states
<li repeat="productList as product" >
{{ product.name }} <strong>{{ product.price}}$</strong>
<ProductForm />
Create a directive
Habame.createDirective('validator', function({ element, attribute, attrs }) {
const errorContainer = document.createElement('div');
element.addEventListener('input', function() {
const isCorrectValue = (new RegExp(attribute.value())).test(element.value);
errorContainer.innerHTML = isCorrectValue ? '' : 'Error';
this.created = function() {
const nextElement = element.nextSibling;
if(nextElement) {
element.parentNode.insertBefore(errorContainer, nextElement);
const App = Habame.createComponent('App', function() { },
<form events.prevent.submit="" >
<input type="text" directives.validator="'[0-9]+'}}" />
create a view engine
Some time we repeat the same code to display, present or do something. In case you don't want to create a component you could just add a view engine to add or edit something specific before the view compilation.
Note : the view engine is only an interpret, nothing more
Habame.addViewEngine('formInput', function(sourceCode) {
return sourceCode.replace(/@formTextInput/ig, '<input type="text" class="my-custom-form-input" placeholder="Simple text" />')
.replace(/@formPasswordInput\b/ig, '<input type="password" class="my-custom-form-input" placeholder="Password" />');
const App = Habame.createComponent('App', function() { },
`, { engines: ['formInput']});
const root = Habame.createRoot(document.getElementById('app'));
Create a model with mutators
this will allow you to create model to manage your data and make it compatible with state, only methods define as mutators will be overridden.
const User = function () {
this.lastname = '';
this.firstname = '';
this.setFullName = (firstname, lastname) => {
this.lastname = lastname;
this.firstname = firstname;
User.prototype.MUTATORS = ['setFullName'];
const App = Habame.createComponent('App', function({ State, Actions }) {
State.add('user', new User());
Actions.changeToJhon = function() {
State.user.setFullName('Jhon', 'do');
<div if="user.lastname" >hello {{ user.lastname }} {{ user.firstname }}</div>
<button events.click = 'changeToJhon' >Change to Jhon do</button>
Use App to make communication between component
is the instance of you rootApp which contain his own event handler and state handler
Habame.createComponent('MyComponent', function({ App }) {
const appEvent = App.getEvent(); // will return the app HbEvent
const state = App.getState(); // will return the app State
}, ``);
example with app event
Habame.createComponent('Notifications', function({ App, State }) {
State.init({ notifications: [] });
App.getEvent().addEventListener('push-notification', function(notification) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000);
<div class="notifications-container" >
<div class="notification-container" repeat="notifications as notification" >
{{ notification.message }}
const App = Habame.createComponent('App', function({ App, State, Actions }) {
count: 0
let countNotifications = 0;
Actions.sendNotification = function() {
App.getEvent().emit('push-notification', [{ message: 'Add new notification ' + (++countNotifications) }]);
<Notifications />
<button events.click="sendNotification" >Send notification</button>