simple math functions I feel like I write every project
This is just a collection of various math functions that are used frequently in projects
the functions:
round(num, place)
Rounds to the the 1's place unless specified otherwiseround(5.8) // => 6 round(524, 10) // => 520 round(73, 5) // => 75
floor(num, place)
floors to the 1's place unless specified otherwisefloor(5.8) // => 5 floor(524, 10) // => 520 floor(73, 5) // => 70
ceil(num, place)
ceils to the 1's place unless specified otherwiseceil(5.8) // => 6 ceil(524, 10) // => 530 ceil(73, 5) // => 75
pad(num, before, after)
pads with 0's before and after, returns a string. Num must have a decimal pointpad(12.3, 3, 5) // => "012.30000" pad(203.0, 1, 1) // => "203.0"
converts degrees to radiansdegToRad(90) // => PI/2 as a decimal
converts radians to degreesradToDeg(Math.PI / 2) // => 90
takes a number and converts it into a string in american currencytoDollars(23) // => "$23.00" toDollars(8.75) // => "$8.75" toDollars(4.628) // => "$4.63"
tax(amount, rate)
returns the total amount of taxtax(100, 5) // => 5
withTax(amount, rate)
returns the total of the tax and the amoundtax(100, 5) // => 105
calculateInterest(total, years, rate)
calculates the total cost given the total amount of money, the number of years, and the rate at which it's taxed. Returns formated as moneycalculateInterest(100, 5, 2) // => "$110.00"
mortage(principle, number_of_payments, intrest)
calculates total payment of a mortage given the principle charge, the total number of payments on said charge, and the amount of intrest. returns formated as moneymortage(120000, 120, 3) // => "$360000.00"
converts and int to a hex valueintToHex(3735928559) // => "#deadbeef"