Use vite as dev server with gulp
🥤 gulp-vite
Vite build system may not suit everyone, because of limiting entry options
As an alternative approach you can build assets with gulp and use Vite as a powerful dev server
Install into your project
npm i gulp-vite -D
You need to use "type": "module"
in package.json to use esm syntax
import gulp from "gulp";
import vite from "gulp-vite";
gulp.task("serve", () => vite.init({
output: "public", // default output path, from where your html files are served
root: process.cwd(), // default root path
ignored: [`**/src/templates/**`], // files to ignore with vite watch
reloadPublic: false, // if html/json files should be reloaded in public dir
reloadFiles: (file) => file.endsWith('.php') || file.endsWith('.latte'), // additional files to reload upon change
vite: {
// your vite config goes here
css: {
postcss: {
plugins: []
// default vite configuration with gulp-vite, can be overwritten
plugins: [this.plugin.middleware, this.plugin.reload],
publicDir: path.join(options.root, options.output),
server: {
open: "/",
host: true,
fsServe: {
strict: false
watch: {
// default vite watch ignore files and additional files to ignore, reload for templates files is handled manually
ignored: options.ignored.concat(['**/node_modules/**', '**/.git/**', `**/${options.output}/*.html`])
root: options.root
import vite from "gulp-vite";
vite.server // server instance
vite.options // vite options
vite.reload // force browser reload
vite.plugin.middleware // included plugin for middleware to translate paths from /page to /public/page.html
vite.plugin.reload // included plugin for publicDir reload
Minimal example
On Github is minimal example where Vite is used as web server and gulp for build with Esbuild
Vite and Esbuild can run any format you want - javascript, typescript, postcss, sass, less, stylus
This is a minimal starting example that can be extended as needed
npm i && npx gulp serve
npx gulp --tasks
- Node.js LTS (14.x) or current
- NPM or Yarn