Gulp interface for SQIP
Gulpified sqip that allows full customization of sqip's existing options, and adds a few more. It creates a new SVG file in the stream, named the same as the source (with ".svg" extension, of course).
seems to be a work in progress, but it's a cool package that creates SVG impressions of pixel images. Find the right balance between the mode, blur and primitives count, and you get a nice, small LQIP (low quality image placeholder). The default options below make a good placeholder image, but you could make it even smaller by reducing the primitives.
The (optional) options are:
- primitives - number of primitives a.k.a. the shapes that make up the image (integer, default is 20)
- blur - blur factor (numeric, default is 10)
- mode - mode code (defined below, default is 5)
- prependName - text to prepend to the front of the new SVG filename (string)
- appendName - text to append to the end of the new SVG filename (string)
- includeSource - also pass the source image file through in the stream (boolean, default is false)
Mode specifies the base shape for primitives. The mode codes are:
- 0 - combo
- 1 - triangle
- 2 - rectangle
- 3 - ellipse
- 4 - circle
- 5 - rotated rectangle
- 6 - beziers
- 7 - rotated ellipse
- 8 - polygon
const sqippy = require("gulp-sqippy");
gulp.task("make-bg-placeholders", function() {
return gulp
primitives: 12,
blur: 6,
prependName: "placeholder-",