A gulp-replace wrapper to add a shorthand syntax for writing @extend rules in Sass stylesheets.
A gulp-replace wrapper to add a syntactic sugar shorthand syntax for writing @extend at-rules in Sass. (Note, this currently only works with the SCSS syntax).
Using with Utility Class Frameworks
Using semantic class names like article-list
provides much more human-readable landmarks when examining HTML than adding a string of utility classes like px-px pt-5 pb-4 absolute top-0 left-0
directly to elements in the DOM.
Instead, developers can use semantic class names in markup and then use SCSS @extend
at-rules to apply utility classes to those semantic classes. If the utility class framework is converted from using true class class selected (e.g. .absolute {...}
) to using placeholder selectors (e.g. %absolute {...}
), Sass will automatically ignore any unused utility classes when compiling.
This plugin creates a shorthand so that developers don't have to write @extend
every time they reference a utility class within a semantic selector, potentially reducing the amount of code that needs to be written by over half.
Basic Syntax
// shorthand
.myClass {
// is expanded to
.myClass {
@extend .myMixin;
Placeholder Mixins
// shorthand
.myClass {
// is expanded to
.myClass {
@extend %myPlaceholderMixin;
Inline List Syntax
// shorthand
.myClass {
.mixinA, .mixinB, .mixinC;
// is expanded to
.myClass {
@extend .mixinA;
@extend .mixinB;
@extend .mixinC;
Stacked List Syntax
// shorthand
.myClass {
// is expanded to
.myClass {
@extend .mixinA;
@extend .mixinB;
@extend .mixinC;
Using !optional
// shorthand
.myClass {
.mixinA, .mixinB !optional;
// is expanded to
.myClass {
@extend .mixinA !optional;
@extend .mixinB !optional;
@extend .mixinC;
Pipe SCSS files through gulp-sass-extend-shorthand
before piping to a compiler:
const { src, dest } = require('gulp')
const sass = require('gulp-sass')
const sassExtendShorthand = require('gulp-sass-extend-shorthand')
function sassCompile() {
return src([
]).pipe( sassExtendShorthand() )
.pipe( sass() )
.pipe( dest('dist/css') )