Forked from gulp-unused-images
Unused Images
List all images that are not referenced in your html and css. Images in HTML (or PHP) are found when used in the img[src] or img[data-src] attribute, as well as in the link[href] and meta[contact]. After being found, their names are matches starting from the first / to the end of the filename, if they have the following extension: .png, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf, .xml, .apng, .svg or .mng.
Images with absolute urls will also be ignored.
Show example
Stream all the images, css and html files and show, line by line, the image files not used in your html files.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var obsoleteImages = require('gulp-obsolete-images');
gulp.task('clean:unused:show', function(){
return gulp.src(['app/images/**/*', '.tmp/styles/**/*.css', 'app/*.html', 'app/partials/**/*.html'])
.pipe(obsoleteImages({log: true}));
Delete example
Stream all the images, css and html files and delete all unused images.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var obsoleteImages = require('gulp-obsolete-images');
gulp.task('clean:unused:show', function(){
return gulp.src(['app/images/**/*', '.tmp/styles/**/*.css', 'app/*.html', 'app/partials/**/*.html'])
.pipe(obsoleteImages({delete: true}));
Combination with confirm example:
First show all unused images, then prompt user whether to delete them. It uses two other plugins, so make sure you install them as well.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var obsoleteImages = require('gulp-obsolete-images');
var confirm = require('gulp-confirm');
var runSequence = require('run-sequence');
// Clean unused images
gulp.task('clean:unused:confirm', function(){
return gulp.src(['app/images/**/*', '.tmp/styles/**/*.css', 'app/*.html', 'app/partials/**/*.html'])
question: 'Above files will be deleted! Confirm (y)?',
input: '_key:y'
.pipe(obsoleteImages({delete: true}));
// Show unused images
gulp.task('clean:unused:show', function(){
return gulp.src(['app/images/**/*', '.tmp/styles/**/*.css', 'app/*.html', 'app/partials/**/*.html'])
.pipe(obsoleteImages({log: true}));
// Main task
gulp.task('clean:unused', function(){
runSequence('clean:unused:show', ['clean:unused:confirm']);