Gulp Mocker. A mock server can be used with gulp, or run it in command line, or run it programmatically, and more.
Gulp Mocker. A mock server can be used with gulp, or run it in command line, or run it programmatically, and more. Enjoy mocking!
Pull requests are welcome :)
Return mock responses just place files into mock directory
/path/to/api => 'mock/path/to/api|api.json|api.js'
JSONP support
/path/to/api?callback=jsonp => jsonp response with 'mock/path/to/api|api.json|api.js' data
Highly customized response
You can write any kind of response in the js response file.
Fallback to Proxies
// option
fallback: true,
proxies: [{
// Proxy option
HTTPS Support
// option
useHTTPS: true,
httpsOptions: {
// HTTPS Option
Mock File Relocation
// option
mockPathRewrite({ctx, defaultPath) {
let ret = defaultPath;
if (defaultPath === '/index.php') {
const q = ctx.query;
ret = `/${q.class}/${q.method}`;
return ret;
With Gulp
const gulpMocker = require('gulp-mocker');
// Put options here
.pipe(// Nothing changed, do whatever you want)
Run it with command line
$ npm install -g gulp-mocker
# Further more, the config file can be ignored!
$ gulp-mock --config mock.config.js
gulp-mock -h
for more information
Run it programmatically
const mod = require('gulp-mocker/src/server');
const { webServer, app } = mod.startServer({
// Options
Tested (Not 100% though LOL)
npm install gulp-mocker
See "mock" folder
const DEFAULT_OPTS = {
// {Boolean}: Whether add Allow-Cross-Origin header in response
allowCrossOrigin: false,
// {Array<String>|String}: Access-Control-Allow-Headers value
allowCrossOriginHeaders: ['Origin', 'X-Requested-With', 'Content-Type', 'Accept'],
// {String}: Access-Control-Allow-Host value
allowCrossOriginHost: '*',
// {Array<String>|String}: Access-Control-Allow-Methods
allowCrossOriginMethods: ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS'],
// {Object}: Config object for koa-bodyparser
bodyParserConfig: {
jsonLimit: '100mb',
formLimit: '100mb',
// {Object}: Config object for koa-busboy
busboyConfig: {},
* {Boolean|String}: Whether use fallback. Available values:
* false: Not use fallback
* true|'proxy': Use fallback if the mock server fail to return response and fallback to proxy
fallback: false,
* {Array<String|Function>}: What kinds of circumstances are considered as failure.
* Available embedded rules:
* 'emptyBody': If ctx.body is empty
* 'status404': If the status code is 404
* 'status500': If the status code is 500
* If it's a function, the signature should be like this:
* function: boolean ({
* // `ctx` of koa.
* ctx: Object,
* })
fallbackRules: ['emptyBody', 'status404', 'status500'],
// {String}: Mock server host name
host: 'localhost',
// {Boolean}: Whether use https
httpsEnabled: false,
// {Object}: https options for `https.createServer()`
httpsOptions: {
key: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../ssl/ssl.key')),
cert: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../ssl/ssl.crt')),
// {String}: Param name of JSONP
jsonpParamName: 'callback',
* {String}: Logging level. Available values: 'none', 'error', 'warn', 'info'
* The levels above are in order. Any levels after the specific level of logging will be ignored.
logLevel: LEVEL_INFO,
// {Array<Function>|Function}: Additional koa middlewares
middlewares: [],
// {String}: Mock config file name
mockConfigName: '_.config.js',
// {Array<String>}: Mock response will try to find files by the following order
mockExtOrder: ['', '.json', '.js'],
// {String}: Mock responses files' root path
mockPath: './mock',
* {Function}: Rewrite the request path to the specified one. By default it won't rewrite.
* Note that this option won't affect the url of fallback request
* The function has following signature:
* function: String ({
* // `ctx` of koa.
* ctx: Object,
* // The request path of default behaviour
* defaultPath: String,
* })
mockPathRewrite: null,
// {Function}: Listener function when the web server starts
onServerStart: null,
// {Number}: Port of server
port: 10086,
* {Array<{
* // Matching rule whether to use proxy or not, which can be parsed by path-to-regexp if it's a string. Required.
* source: RegExp|String,
* // `context` param of http-proxy-middleware. Optional.
* context?: String,
* // `options` param of http-proxy-middleware. Optional.
* options?: Object
* }>}: Proxy settings for http-proxy-middleware
proxies: [],
* {Boolean}: The mock server will scan all mock config files and cache them when the server starts.
* It will try to recollect the config files if any of config files changes when it's set to `true`
watchMockConfig: true,
* {Array<{
* // Matching rule whether to rewrite the request, which can be parsed by path-to-regexp if it's a string
* // Note that this option will affect the url of fallback request
* from: RegExp|String,
* // Where the request should be rewritten to:
* // If it's a string, the request path will be replaced by it.
* // If it's a function, the request path will be replaced by the return result of it. The signature should be like this:
* // function: string (result: {
* // // `ctx` of koa.
* // ctx: Object,
* // // `exec` result of RegExp object .
* // exec: Array,
* // // Keys from path-to-regexp. Available when `from` is a string.
* // keys: Array,
* // })
* to: String|Function
* }>}
rewrites: [],
Mock Config File
// Note: All the options will be merged shallowly
module.exports = {
* Wrapper
* Only works for json response.
* Default: null
* Static Response Wrapper
* If the value of "wrapper" is a plain object, it will be a "Static Response Wrapper"
* All responses will wrap the same format of wrapper,
* and the "Wrapper Content Placeholder" will replace the response content
// wrapper: {
// code: 200,
// msg: 'success',
// data: '{{!--WrapperContent--}}',
// },
* Dynamic Response Wrapper
* If the value of "wrapper" is a function, it will be a "Dynamic Response Wrapper"
* All responses can be handled manually by you. And you should return a JSON object.
* @param {Object}
* ctx {Object}: context of koa
* resResult {Object}: mock response content
* helpers: {Object}: See "Helpers"
* @returns {Object|Promise<Object>}: Dynamic wrapper processed response. The Object should have the following structure
* body {*}: The value will be set as the koa's body of ctx
* contentType? {String}: Optional. The value will be used as content type if it's set.
* status? {Number}: Optional. Response status code.
// wrapper: function({ ctx, resResult }) {
// // Do whatever you want
// return {
// body: ctx.body,
// };
// },
* Wrapper Content Placeholder
* Default: {{!--WrapperContent--}}
* This string will be replaced by the response data in the wrapper.
* Only works for Static Response Wrapper
wrapperContentPlaceHolder: '{{!--WrapperContent--}}',
* Mock Type
* Default: 'normal'
* Available values:
* normal: It will try to find certain kinds of extensions of file by the request path. See the config's "mockExtOrder" property.
* mockjs: Responses will be treated as the parameters of MockJS after the process of "normal"
mockType: 'normal',
* Delay
* Default: 0
* Response delay emulation in millisecond.
delay: 0,
* Pass through Proxy
* Default: false
* Any request will pass through the proxy directly. Only available when the fallback is proxy and the proxy is available.
passThroughProxy: false,
* Additional http headers for responses.
* eg. {'Etag': '1234'}
* Default: Empty object
headers: {},
Dynamic response
* @returns {Object|Promise<Object>}: A response generated by js should return the following structure:
* body {*}: The value will be set as the koa's body of ctx
* contentType? {String}: Optional. The value will be used as content type if it's set.
* headers? {Object}: Optional. Additional http headers for responses. eg. {'Etag': '1234'}
* In addition, headers in dynamic response will override headers in mock config file
* if they have same keys.
* passThroughProxy? {Boolean}: Optional. Request will pass through the proxy directly.
* Only available when the fallback is proxy and the proxy is available.
* status? {Number}: Optional. Response status code.
* Helpers
* It's a group of tools that help you to make dynamic responses. It has the following properties:
* // `mime` from npm:
* mime,
* // `mockjs` from npm:
* Mock,
* // Generate a stream of image
* // @param opts: {
* // // Size of image by pixel. Format: `${width}x${height}`
* // size: string,
* // // Background color of image
* // background: string,
* // // Foreground color of text
* // foreground: string,
* // // Format of image. Available values: png, jpg, gif
* // format: string,
* // // Foreground text content
* // text: string,
* // }
* // @returns {Promise.<stream>} The stream of image
* genImageStream: function,
* // Generate a image response
* // @param opts {Object}: The same as genImageStream
* // @returns {Promise.<Object>} The response for dynamic response
* genImageResponse: function,
* // Merge query, post body, parameters from request
* // @param ctx: `ctx` of koa
* // @returns {Object}
* mergeParams: function,
TODO list
- More test cases.
- Generate image response by myself instead of depending other online services.
- More other features.