md5 the static file and replace referred filename in specific files with newly generated md5 filename
md5 plugin for gulp ,md5 the static files(eg javascript style image files) ;then replace the filenames in css or the html if needed by passing the file or dir in the first parameter, if you want to replace the encrypted filenames to newly generated encrypted filenames or you want to specify the length of md5 filename, you can passing an opts object in the second parameter.
First, install gulp-md5-replace
as a development dependency:
npm install --save-dev gulp-md5-replace
Then, add it to your gulpfile.js
var md5 = require("gulp-md5-plus");
.pipe(md5('./output/index.html', {length: 10, isEncrypted: true}))
md5 all css files in the src folder and change these css names in the quoted html--index.html
gulp.task('img' ,function() {
var imgSrc = './static/img/**',
quoteSrc = './output/static/css/**/*.css', // [./output/static/css/**/*.css',./output/static/js/**/*.js']
imgDst = './output/static/img';
return gulp.src(imgSrc)
.pipe(md5(quoteSrc, {isEncrypted: true}))
first, optimize all images in the img folder including all sub folders; then md5 all these images and change these images' names in the quoted css files ; ####note the directory of the md5ed files in the imgDst folder is the same as that of original files in the imgSrc folder; and css files can refer the image file with the same name in different folder rightly;
md5(file, opts)
Type: String
Default: null
Optionnal: the file need to replace the file name of the md5ed files. dir is also supported
Type: Object
Default: null
Optionnal: you can pass the length
to limit the length of the hash that is appended and the isEncrypted
to replace the specific filenames or encrypted filenames
.pipe(md5('./output/html', {length: 10, isEncrypted: true}))
The sample above will append the md5 hash(length : 10) to each of the file in the static/js folder then repalce the link file name in the output/html/ using md5ed file name; at last store all of that into the output folder.
Thank You
This is based on gulp-md5-plus
License[MIT License]