Convert json files to xml with gulp
This plugin is a wrapper for npm package 'xml-js'
The goal of this plugin is to take a JSON file and convert it to XML. The JSON files are passed through gulp.src in the gulpfile.
A sample JSON may look something like
"Data: buffer"
"Data: string"
and if passed in to this plugin will return the following xml
<content>Data: buffer</content>
<content>Data: string</content>
The package gulp-xmltojson that converts xml files back to JSON is now available
Compact vs Non Compact
This plugin takes in both compact and non-compact JSON files and the user can specify whether or not the file is in compact format by setting 'compact:true' or 'compact:false' in the options parameter.
A sample compact and non compact JSON comparison can be found here
gulp-jsontoxml plugin accepts a configObj as its parameter. The configObj will contain any info the plugin needs.
The configObj in this situation is used for users to enter in options that the user can enter inorder to customize the resultant xml file. The table containing the options can be found here
Sample gulpfile.js
let gulp = require('gulp')
import {jsontoxml} from 'gulp-jsontoxml'
var sampleConfigObj = {compact: true, ignoreDeclaration: true, spaces: 4}; // sample configObj
exports.default = function() {
return src('data/*.json')
// pipe the files through our jsontoxml plugin
Quick Start
- Dependencies:
- Clone this repo and run
npm install
to install npm packages - Debug: with VScode use
Open Folder
to open the project folder, then hit F5 to debug. This runs without compiling to javascript using ts-node - Test:
npm test
ornpm t
- Compile to javascript:
npm run build
We are using Jest for our testing. Each of our tests are in the test
- Run
npm test
to run the test suites
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