Image diff'ing tool that compares pixel by pixel.
, a gulp plugin, is a image diff'ing tool. We compare pixel by pixel with an option for color tolerance.
We also emit the raw data and percentage of disparity in analysis
, see the What we emit section.
Latest Version: 0.3.0
Currently on GitHub.
npm install MadLittleMods/gulp-image-diff
var gulp = require('gulp');
var imageDiff = require('gulp-image-diff');
gulp.task('diff-images', function() {
return gulp.src(['my-image.png'])
referenceImage: 'reference.png',
// Equivalent to 10% tolerance between reference and compare pixels
pixelColorTolerance: 0.10,
differenceMapImage: './diff.png'
Since gulp-image-diff
is a pass-through and emits an untouched image, you can pipe it multiple times into the diff against different references.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var imageDiff = require('gulp-image-diff');
gulp.task('diff-images', function() {
return gulp.src(['my-image.png'])
referenceImage: 'reference1.png',
differenceMapImage: './diff1.png'
referenceImage: 'reference2.png',
differenceMapImage: './diff2.png'
referenceImage: 'reference3.png',
differenceMapImage: './diff3.png'
You can use the logProgress
setting to output some analysis info every time a diff completes.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var imageDiff = require('gulp-image-diff');
gulp.task('diff-images', function() {
return gulp.src(['my-image.png'])
referenceImage: 'reference.png',
logProgress: true
You can also hook onto .on('log', ...)
events which are emitted no matter what.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var imageDiff = require('gulp-image-diff');
gulp.task('diff-images', function() {
return gulp.src(['my-image.png'])
referenceImage: 'reference.png'
.on('log', function(message) {
// We are just showing that you can do more below the `.on('log', ...)`.
// Saving it out the analysis to JSON (see example below for more info)
Reporting/Logging/Generating JSON
includes imageDiff.jsonReporter()
which you can use to pipe the diff analysis into and generate a JSON file.
Since we chain the analysis, the JSON reporter will be able to pick up all analysis in the consecutive chain.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var imageDiff = require('gulp-image-diff');
gulp.task('diff-images', function() {
return gulp.src(['icon-i.png', 'icon-o.png', 'icon-c.png'])
referenceImage: 'test-images/icon-reference.png',
differenceMapImage: './diff1.png'
referenceImage: 'test-images/icon-reference2.png',
differenceMapImage: './diff2.png'
: object - hash of optionsreferenceImage
: string|buffer|vinyl-file - Pass in the image and we can take of it- Default: null
: number - 0-1 representing the allowed color difference between the referenc and compare pixels- Default: 0.01
- 0 means no tolerance. Pixels need to be exactly the same
- This option allows for slight differences in aliasing in for example text
: string|function - Pass a string path+filename or a function that returns string path+filename of where to save the difference image- Default: null
- If function the compare and reference paths are provided
function(referencePath, comparePath)
. Your function should return a string path+filename function(referencePath, compareImagePath)
: Return string path+filename
: object - The color for each pixel used in thedifferenceMapImage
that is not within tolerance.- Default:
{ r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 200 }
- If transparent, it will be alpha-blended with the reference image.
- Default:
: bool - Log each diff as it completes. Prints out some of the analysis.- You can also hook onto
.on('log', ...)
events which are emitted no matter what.
- You can also hook onto
- We use rgba 0-255 range colors.
- The reference image is the master and we iterate over the reference image pixels. If the compare image doesn't have a pixel at that coordinate, we just skip to the next(does not increment the difference counter).
- This is especially important point to know if you are comparing different size images.
What we emit
is a pass-through and will emit the original image as a normal Gulp vinyl file.
We also attach an analysis
containing the raw data of differences and differenceMap
which is a buffer of the difference image in case you want to consume it later down the pipe.
- Gulp vinyl file. We emit whatever you passed in (untouched).
: object - hash of data that is chained through out multiple diff callsdifferences
: number - compareResult.numDifferences,total
: number - total amount of pixels in the reference image,disparity
: number - 0-1 percentage value. This is a just a shortcut fordifferences/total
: string - path of the reference image used in the diffcompareImage
: string - path of the compare image used in the diff- *
: string - path to the difference map image, only available if saved successfully
: buffer - The difference png image.
.on('log', function(message) { })
See Logging example for a nice code example.
The message is the same message outputted to the console when logProgress
is true.
.on('error', function(err) { })
A normal gulp error. There are a variety of errors. See source code for more details.
We have a series of unit tests. We use Mocha.
Install Mocha globally:
npm install -g mocha
Run tests with: mocha
or npm test