Perform integrated I18N processes for Polymer i18n-behavior at once
Perform integrated I18N processes for Polymer i18n-behavior at once (experimental)
Note: Currently only applicable to Polymer CLI/polymer-build style projects with the project root as its source root.
npm install --save-dev gulp-i18n-at-once
Integrated I18N Processes
- scan - Scan HTMLs and construct localizable attributes repository
- basenameSort - Sort source files according to their base names; Bundle files come first.
- dropDefaultJSON - Drop default JSON files to avoid overwriting new ones
- preprocess - Preprocess Polymer templates for I18N
- tmpJSON - Store extracted JSON in the temporary folder .tmp
- importXliff - Import XLIFF into JSON
- leverage - Merge changes in default JSON into localized JSON
- exportXliff - Generate bundles and export XLIFF
- feedback - Update JSON and XLIFF in sources
Applied to the gulpfile.js
from generator-polymer-init-custom-build
for Polymer CLI
* @license
* Copyright (c) 2016 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at
* The complete set of authors may be found at
* The complete set of contributors may be found at
* Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
* subject to an additional IP rights grant found at
* Based on:
'use strict';
const del = require('del');
const gulp = require('gulp');
const gulpif = require('gulp-if');
const imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin');
const logging = require('plylog');
const mergeStream = require('merge-stream');
// Got problems? Try logging 'em
// logging.setVerbose();
const polymer = require('polymer-build');
const PolymerProject = polymer.PolymerProject;
const fork = polymer.forkStream;
const addServiceWorker = polymer.addServiceWorker;
const polymerJSON = require('./polymer.json');
const project = new PolymerProject(polymerJSON);
// ========================================== BEGIN
const debug = require('gulp-debug');
const i18nAtOnce = require('gulp-i18n-at-once');
let options = {
xliffOptions: {
xliffStates: {
'add' : [ 'new' ],
'replace': [ 'needs-translation', 'needs-adaptation', 'needs-l10n', '' ],
'review' : [ 'needs-review-translation', 'needs-review-adaptation', 'needs-review-l10n' ],
'default': [ 'translated', 'signed-off', 'final', '[source~=nonTargets]', '[approved]' ]
patterns: {
'nonTargets': /^({{[^{} ]*}}|\[\[[^\[\] ]*\]\]|<[-a-zA-Z]{1,}>|[0-9.]{1,}|[a-zA-Z]{1,}_[a-zA-Z_]{1,}|\/images\/.*|data:image\/jpeg;.*)$/,
'annotationsAndTags': /^({{[^{} ]*}}|\[\[[^\[\] ]*\]\]|<[-a-zA-Z]{1,}>)$/,
'annotations': /^({{[^{} ]*}}|\[\[[^\[\] ]*\]\])$/,
'numbers': /^[0-9.]{1,}$/,
'tags': /^<[-a-zA-Z]{1,}>$/
// ========================================== END
// Clean build directory
gulp.task('clean', () => {
return del('build');
gulp.task('build', ['clean'], (cb) => {
// ============================================= BEGIN
// i18n resources
const i18nResources = gulp.src([ 'bundle.json', 'locales/**', 'xliff/**' ], { base: '.' });
// ============================================= END
// process source files in the project
const sources = mergeStream(project.sources(), i18nResources)
// add compilers or optimizers here!
// for example, to process JS files
// .pipe(gulpif('**/*.js', babel( // babel settings )))
// included is an example demonstrating how to
// compress images
//.pipe(gulpif('**/*.{png,gif,jpg,svg}', imagemin({
// progressive: true, interlaced: true
// ============================================= BEGIN
// I18N processes
.pipe(debug({ title: 'I18N Transform' }))
// ============================================= END
// ============================================= BEGIN
// images and json resources (for the Shop App)
const resources = gulp.src([ 'images/**', 'data/**' ], { base: '.' });
// ============================================= END
// process dependencies (basically the stuff coming out of bower_components)
// you can probably ignore these steps but if you want to do something
// specific for your installed dependencies, this is the place to do it
const dependencies = project.dependencies()
// add code to process your installed dependencies here
// ============================================= BEGIN
// dynamically loaded step dependencies skipped in project.dependencies()
const stepDependencies = gulp.src([ 'bower_components/intl/**', 'bower_components/region-flags/**' ], { base: '.' });
// ============================================= END
// ============================================= BEGIN
// merge the source and dependencies streams to we can analyze the project
const mergedFiles = mergeStream(sources, resources, dependencies, stepDependencies)
// ============================================= END
// this fork will vulcanize the project
const bundledPhase = fork(mergedFiles)
// write to the bundled folder
const unbundledPhase = fork(mergedFiles)
// write to the unbundled folder
gulp.task('service-worker', ['build'], () => {
const swConfig = {
navigateFallback: '/index.html',
// Once the unbundled build stream is complete, create a service worker for the build
const unbundledPostProcessing = addServiceWorker({
project: project,
buildRoot: 'build/unbundled',
swConfig: swConfig,
serviceWorkerPath: 'service-worker.js',
// Once the bundled build stream is complete, create a service worker for the build
const bundledPostProcessing = addServiceWorker({
project: project,
buildRoot: 'build/bundled',
swConfig: swConfig,
bundled: true,
gulp.task('default', ['service-worker']);