´Angular js app structure generator based on jhon papa recomendations and some aditional features.
AngularJS code Generator for gulp (Gulp-gen)
Code Generator (Front-end projects)
During the time i has been working on different kinds of projects, i have found many problems in front end development process principally when javascript is involved, those problems in many cases are: Exaggerations in development time, spagetti Code, Missing code standars and philosophies, Missing documentation, etc. having this considerations and problems this tool was created, based in gulp and easy to use. This plug in contains a serie of pre-built tasks to solve some of those problems previusly mentioned.
Important References:
To understand how this generator works an why create code in this particular structure, you should go to John Papa's "Angular Style Guide" for Angular 1 here.
Folders and Files Structure:
The Gulp Gen generator use the Jhon Papa's methodology described in "Angular style Guide" document and include some new principles that are good to this kind of projects.
App/ → main folder application
_appconfig/ → folder where the settings files are stored
App.config.js → contains code for .config() and .run() blocks
Messages.config.js → has constants to store system messages.
Resources.config.js → has constanst with the API resources URIs
Routes.config.js → has constants with states (ui-router states) and urls (routing)
common/ → contains common files to be used globally in the project
[components/] → Optional (this folder is generated when a directive is created through gulp gen commands).
common.js → should have constants that should be defined in the development process to be use as global data.
filters.js → should have contains code for .filter() blocks
helpers.js → has common Factories methods to be use in whole the application.
messages.js → should have factory methods to manage mesagges components or wrap pop-up libraries
requests.js → should have code to wrap any https library.
[custom-submodule/] → this is a secondary module (submodule) that depends on his custom module parent
[[submodule-name].routes.js] → in submodules this file is optional.
app.js → Root application file
This is an structure example generated with this plug-in (Gulp Gen):
Main Modules
Secondary Modules (Submodules)
Getting starter
Install gulp and gulp-cli globally.
npm install gulp gulp-cli -g
Install gulp-gen package
npm install gulp-gen --save-dev
add the package to your gulpfile
var gulpGen = require('gulp-gen')();
Important: if your project is located into a folder you should to specify this with a dobble call javascript syntax.
var gulpGen = require('gulp-gen')('[directoryName]');
Verify exists in gulp environment the pre-built tasks from gulp-gen all of those should have a prefix 'gen:' next to it, the name of the item to generate.
gulp --tasks
To generate an application directory is necessary to know that the name for this folder will be created by default with the name "app", but it could be changed from the "app.json" settings file that should has been created after you run the "gulp gen" initial command.
The minimum properties required in this file are:
- "angular-template": "node_modules/gulp-gen/angular-tpls/", → Contains by default the templates location created for angular to this plug-in
- "appName": "cwApp", → it correspond to the name that will be used for generate the application directory and to create the name of the main module in the root file for the app.
- "appFolder": "./", → Contains the path where the application files will be created.
- "defaultFolders": ["_appconfig", "common", "app.js"], → Required files and folders.
Extra Settings
- "injectThirdApp": It is expected to be used only when the app that you are creating has a direct dependency from other angular application so you are using some files comming from that application, could be an application that you created before and you want to recycle functionalities or maybe a third part application that you need to use some of these functionalities.
- "ignoreModuleInject": This was created specifically to be used when you need to exlude files to be injected or user by the app you are creating
- "mainAppModuleName": This property could be used to provide the name for the main module.
- "commonFolderName": This property could be used to provide the name for the common folder that contains some general functionality.
- "appConfigFolder": With this property si posible define a name to a config folder for the application.
Use (commands):
All the commands built in this plug-in hava a structure based on the following parameters>
gulp gen[:<itemToGenerate> -\<nameForThatItem> [others commands depending on task]]
Availables items list to generate:
- app
- config (configurations files)
- module
- submodule
- component (Directives and components)
- controller
- factory
- routes
Important Notes:
- Gulp gen tasks generate files with code this in not totally necesary is use like samples to show how the code should be writed and distributed in the entired file.
Generar una app:
gulp gen
This command create a directory with all the project base initial structure (folders and files) into the the folder you specified into the gulp-gen instance. also this command create a folder that corresponds to a basic ancgular application this dierctory take his name from app.json settings file with the "appName" property value (by default this value is "app").
Folder Structure generated with this command:
- app/
- images/
- styles/
- scripts/
- app.json
- bower.json
Note: As you can see there is a "bower.json" file, this document contains all the necessary angular dependencies, so you need to run the "bower install" command, before you start coding and testng.
Generate a module:
gulp gen:module -moduleName
This command create a directory into the app folder that should had created previously with all the files required in this kind of module, also the module name and the route it's inject .
Generate a submodule: (modulo hijo)
gulp gen:submodule -submoduleName -in -parentModuleName
This command create a folder into the application existing module directory with the files that are required for any submodule.
Generate a controller file:
gulp gen:controller –controllerName -in –parentModuleName
This command create a controller file with the name provided in the first argument into the directory specified in the third argument after the keyword ("-in").
Generate a factory file:
gulp gen:factory –factoryName -in –parentModuleName
This command create a factory file with the name provided in the first argument into the directory specified in the third argument after the keyword ("-in").
Generate a routes file:
gulp gen:routes –routesFor -in –parentModuleName
This command create a routes file with the name provided in the first argument into the directory specified in the third argument after the keyword ("-in")
Generate a componente:
gulp gen:component –componentName
This command create a directive file with the name provided in the argument inside the common folder into a directory called "components" if this folder does not exist this command will create it.
Inject app files in index.html:
gulp gen:inject
launch a testing Server:
gulp gen:server
clean distribution folder:
gulp gen:clean
Generate a distribution folder:
gulp gen:build -[enviroment]
(Important: this command depends on the parameters wroted into the property enviroments located in the app.json file, the [enviroment] default variables are local, develop, production )
- To genera a distribution folder and run the site with a local test configuration profile, use:
gulp gen:build -local
- To genera a distribution folder and run the site with a develop test configuration profile in local use:
gulp gen:build -develop
- To genera a distribution folder and run the site with a production test configuration profile in local use:
gulp gen:build -production
Release Notes:
- UPDATE: Pluguin updated to work with newer gulp versions (4.0.0)
- BUG Fixed: Import reference problem
- BUG Fixed: Added order for js files concatenation
- BUG Fixed: Adjustment in gen:build task to correctly create the distribution folder and minifiying all the application files
- BUG Fixed: added gen:clean tasks
- BUG Fixed: adding the third app option injection into the index.html file.
- BUG Fixed: build task had a mistake with the name of the file generated with all the app code in distribution folder.
- BUG Fixed: inject task had problem when is necessary to ignore some files
- BUG Fixed: Module inject was not working.
- BUG Fixed: Adjustment in plugin to generate the application in a default folder when the directory is not present.
1.2.7, 1.2.8, 1.2.9, 1.2.10
- BUG Fixed: Change in app.json file template to contain the correctly property "mainAppModuleName"
- BUG Fixed: Changes in enviroments property parameters into app.json file.
1.2.3, 1.2.4, 1.2.5, 1.2.6
- BUG Fixed: Update documentation for gulp gen command
- BUG Fixed: Added some additional documentation
- BUG Fixed: Updated documentation with some new features
- Added site generator helper.
- Added enviroments profiles (building profiles). *This task generate the distribution folder ready to a public publishing
- Added automatically file injection.
- Added server launch.
- Some adjustments and improvemenst, resolving some bugs with gulp basic tasks
- Added Gup gen basic tasks to create an angular app
- Adding documentation for develeopment process using this plugin.
Pending features in mind:
| Feature | Status | |-|-| Automatically files optimization by developments profiles environment | Development Generate a distribution folder ready to a public pusblishing. | Development Add taks for continuous integration. | Development Automatically unit test creation. | Planning Angular version updates helper | Idea