Import svg files to fontello icon font project, use svg filename as glyph name. Also provide task for auto download exported css and font files into desinated folder.
Import svg files to fontello icon font project, use svg filename as glyph name. Also provide task for auto download exported css and font files into desinated folder.
This plugin currently is not utilizing streams for gulp, and used a lot of sync operation. This will be improved later with a pure gulp stream solution.
Recommended Structure
Add this in your pacakge.json:
"devDependencies": {
"gulp": "^3.8.10",
"gulp-build-atom-shell": "fireball-x/gulp-build-atom-shell"
And run:
npm install
You should create a config.json
file somewhere in your project, with the following content:
"name": "font-name",
"css_prefix_text": "icon-",
"css_use_suffix": false,
"hinting": true,
"units_per_em": 1000,
"ascent": 850,
"glyphs": []
Customization on name, prefix and units are available, just edit the file.
You can also copy the config.json
file included in this plugin as a starting point.
Next, you should have a folder with all your source svg files. You should manage this folder so that your svg icons are identified by their filename. We will use svg file name as the base of css classname of generated icon font.
You can add, replace svg files in that folder. Just make sure the naming of svg files are consistent. NOTE: if you remove a svg icon from the source folder, you have to remove the corresponding entry manually in your config.json file. The importer does not handle icon removal automatically.
Add Fontello Icons
There are icon font sets on website you can add to your project. To do this, just open fontello website and drag your config.json
file to the webpage. And follow instructions on fontello website.
Your imported Svg files will appears in Custom Icons section of the webpage.
You can also edit css class and code for all icon font glyphs in your project.
Update source SVG to config.json
Add the following code to your gulpfile.js
var gulp = require('gulp');
var importer = require('gulp-fontello-import');
gulp.task('import-svg', function(cb) {
config : 'config.json',
svgsrc : 'svg-src'
}, cb);
The importer api accept an option object that specified path to config.json
and svg source folder. Run this task will update the config.json
file you specified in the option.
Download generated icon font
Add the following code to your gulpfile.js
gulp.task('get-icon-font', ['import-svg'], function(cb) {
host : '',
config : 'config.json',
css : 'css',
font : 'fonts'
gulp.task('get-example', ['import-svg'], function(cb) {
host : '',
config: 'config.json'
}, cb);
There are two kind of options you can pass into importer.getFont
task. The one with css
and font
will output generated icon font file and css to the path you specified.
The one without those will download the whole fontello project to "icon-example" folder in your project. A demo html file is included in the fontello project so you can check if all icons work correctly before you put them in use in your project.