Output beautiful custom help text for your gulp tasks and parameters
Output beautiful custom help text for your gulp tasks and parameters.
Lets you make help text specific to your project's gulpfile - for both tasks and environment flags - which can then be accessed via the command line (e.g. 'gulp help').
Automatically generates and displays list of tasks. Tasks can be excluded if not wanted on the help list ('private'/'internal' tasks). Descriptions added to each task via the plugin.
"Usage" information displayed at the top.
Wraps and indents the help text, linux 'man' style.
npm install --save-dev gulp-display-help
gulp.task('help', displayHelp(gulp.tasks [, descriptions, excludes, flagDescriptions])
gulp.tasks must always be the first parameter.
descriptions {Object} format:
{ "taskname1": "taskDescription1", "taskName2": "taskDescription2", "etc": "etc"}
excludes {Array} format:
["taskToExcludeFromHelp1", "taskToExcludeFromHelp2", "item3", "item4", "etc"]
flagDescriptions {Object} format:
{"--gulpCliParameter1": "gulpCliParameter1Description", "gulpParam2": "gulpDescription2", "--etc": "etc" }
var displayHelp = require('gulp-display-help');
gulp.task('help', gulp.tasks, displayHelp(
// For the below items, each key corresponds to a gulp task, & each value is its
// definition in the gulp help output text. gulp tasks not defined stil appear in
// the gulp help output (unless excluded - see below), but without a definition.
default: '1) a) compiles app: converts NodeJS --> JS & concats it' +
'all libs into a single js file; b) compiles SCSS --> CSS;' +
' c)compiles html templates; d) grabs static resources; & ' +
'e) copies everything used into build folder.\n2)backs ' +
'project up into separate local folder. \n3) watches src ' +
'folder for changes, & auto-recompiles when a change occurs',
'test': 'run jasmine tests, launch & test in a js runtime env with karma;',
'backup': 'Backs up src files into a local folder',
'help': 'displays this help text'
// Exclude the below tasks from help output
}, [
// Command-line flags
"--production": 'full production-ready compile: same as default with a few changes: 1) ' +
'comments removed; 2) calls to js loggers removed; 3) dev-only sections of html' +
'removed; 4) production-only blocks of html uncommented; 5) *TODO* css, js, &' +
'html minified; & 6) Static resources compressed.',
'--once': 'runs the compile only once, without watching for subsequent changes'
Features automatic wrapping, indenting, and adjustment of definitions.