The Gulp Auto Translator helps you to resolve translation issues. Especially it will help developers who didn't plan project's internazalization before.
Current version: 0.0.5
Supposing you have a project in which you haven't thought about internalization before this moment. And you need to make it right now! Well, you are in right place. Gulp auto translator (GAT) created to help resolve same issues. It let you to translate your project quickly and inexpensively. Let's begin.
Quick start
First you should install gulp, of course if you don't have one yet.
npm instal gulp --save-dev
Second you need to install gulp-auto-translator and how you already guessed:
npm instal gulp-auto-translator --save-dev
Now we have all to start first translation. You need to create gulpfile.js in root directory of your project and create new task:
gulp.task('translate', function () {
return gulp.src('./examples/source/')
yandexApiKey:'trnsl.x.x.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', // Yandex API Key
fromLanguage: "en", // Language of your project
replacement: '{{"#CODE#" | translate}}', // Replacement
fileNamePrefix: false, // I won't use file name prefix.
path: './examples/languages_pascal/', // Path to a directory in which will locate language files.
createNewFile: true, // true - create copy of current file, false - overwrite it
translate: {
"ruRU": "ru", // GAT will create new file (./examples/language_pascal/ruRU.json) with a translation by en-ru direction
"enUS": "en" // GAT will create new file (./examples/language_pascal/enUS.json)
gulp translate
The Source file has contained this before changes:
<nav class="sidebar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-nav-item" href="/">Blog</a>
<a class="sidebar-nav-item" href="/about/">About</a>
<a class="sidebar-nav-item" href="/talks/">Talks</a>
<a class="sidebar-nav-item" href="">GitHub</a>
<a class="sidebar-nav-item" href="">Twitter</a>
The new file will be contain a next:
<nav class="sidebar-nav">
<a class="sidebar-nav-item" href="/">{{"BLOG" | translate}}</a>
<a class="sidebar-nav-item" href="/about/">{{"ABOUT" | translate}}</a>
<a class="sidebar-nav-item" href="/talks/">{{"TALKS" | translate}}</a>
<a class="sidebar-nav-item" href="">{{"GITHUB" | translate}}</a>
<a class="sidebar-nav-item" href="">{{"TWITTER" | translate}}</a>
And in ./examples/languages_pascal/ folder now exist new file, which called "ruRU.json" with a next content:
"BLOG_PASCAL": "Блог",
"TALKS_PASCAL": "Переговоры",
"GITHUB_PASCAL": "На github",
More words about options
Okay! Let's talk about options more detailed. Gulp Auto Translator has a four group of options:
- Code Group
- Translation Group
- Miscellaneous
The group contains next parameters:
- fileNamePrefix (default - false) - If you have a concerns about that your code may repeat in some case, when your phrases will be a different, you can add to the code special prefix, which will be crated from name of current file name. For example if your current file called "global.html", then your prefix will be: "_GLOBAL", so your full code may be like this: "WITHYOU_GLOBAL".
The group contains next parameters:
- fromLanguage (no default) - It's first point of a translate direction, for example if all of found phrases by regexp will be on English, you should to point 'en' in "basic" option. Thus when GAT will find phrase and want to translate it for example on Russian - the translate direction in this case will be "en-ru".
- translate (no default) - it is translate matrix. For instance
where "ruRU" it is name of language file and "ru" - direction of translate, "en-ru", because fromLanguage is "en"."ruRU":"ru"
- path (no default) - Path to directory in which will put language files.
- createNewFile (default - false) - If this options will be exposed like "true" - GAT will create new file with same content, but all of found phrases will be substituted by "replacment" string.
- replacment (no default) - This string will substitute all found phrases in your document. Also the replacement string may contain special codes like:
- #CODE# - the finished replacement will contain code of the phrase. For example if replacement was like: "{{'#CODE#' | translate}}" then in translated file we will see "{{'WITHYOU_GLOBAL' | translate}}" on place of found phrase.
- #TRANSLATE# - put on found phrase place a translation of it. For example if we have "#TRANSLATE#" replacement string then in translated file we will have for instance "Переведенная строка".
Currently we will use only Yandex Translate Api, because it is free. Maybe later i will add google api for wealthy guys. Okay! In this group we have next options:
- yandexApiKey (no default) - key for yandex translate api. Get it by link
Currently we are have a strong support for next languages:
en - English, ru - Russian, es - Spanish, de - German, fr - French, it - Italian, pl - Polish.
About another languages - i suppose it would work, but we have no test yet. If you can help us with something language missed in this list, we would be glad to take it.
So how i think this plugin will be unpopular i won't post here "Contributing guide"... If you by some reasons will visit this page and you will not understand "how it works" you always can ask your question here:
- skype: soooyc
- by email: [email protected]