<h1 align="center"><img height="150" src="" /><br> guidme</h1>
- Simple: is simple to use and has no external dependency at all
- Light-weight: is just 5kb gzipped as compared to other libraries which are +12kb gzipped
- Highly customizable: has a powerful API and can be used however you want
- Highlight anything: highlight any (literally any) element on page
- Feature introductions: create powerful feature introductions for your web applications
- Focus shifters: add focus shifters for users
- User friendly: Everything is controllable by keyboard
- TypeScript: Written in TypeScript
- Consistent behavior: usable across all browsers
- MIT Licensed: free for personal and commercial use
For demos and documentation, visit
Please note that above documentation is for version
which is the complete rewrite of guidme. For0.x
documentation, please visit this page
So, yet another tour library?
No, it's more than a tour library. Tours are just one of the many use-cases. guidme can be used wherever you need some sort of overlay for the page; some common usecases could be: highlighting a page component when user is interacting with some component to keep them focused, providing contextual help e.g. popover with dimmed background when user is filling a form, using it as a focus shifter to bring user's attention to some component on page, using it to simulate those "Turn off the Lights" widgets that you might have seen on video players online, usage as a simple modal, and of-course product tours etc.
guidme is written in Vanilla TypeScript, has zero dependencies and is highly customizable. It has several options allowing you to change how it behaves and also provides you the hooks to manipulate the elements as they are highlighted, about to be highlighted, or deselected.
Also, comparing the size of guidme with other libraries, it's the most light-weight, it is just ~5kb gzipped while others are 12kb+.
Feel free to submit pull requests, create issues or spread the word.