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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Import GTFS transit data into SQLite and query routes, stops, times, fares and more




node-GTFS loads transit data in GTFS format into a SQLite database and provides some methods to query for agencies, routes, stops, times, fares, calendars and other GTFS data. It also offers spatial queries to find nearby stops, routes and agencies and can convert stops and shapes to geoJSON format.

Additionally, this library can export data from the SQLite database back into GTFS (csv) format.

You can use it as a command-line tool or as a node.js module.

This library has three parts: the GTFS import script, the query methods and the GTFS export script


If you would like to use this library as a command-line utility, you can install it globally directly from npm:

npm install gtfs -g

If you are using this as a node module as part of an application, you can include it in your project's package.json file.

Quick Start

Command-line examples

gtfs-import --gtfsUrl


gtfs-import --gtfsPath /path/to/your/


gtfs-import --gtfsPath /path/to/your/unzipped/gtfs


gtfs-import --configPath /path/to/your/custom-config.json

gtfs-export --configPath /path/to/your/custom-config.json

Code example

import { importGtfs } from 'gtfs';
import { readFile } from 'fs/promises';
const config = JSON.parse(
  await readFile(new URL('./config.json', import.meta.url))

  .then(() => {
    console.log('Import Successful');
  .catch((err) => {

Example Applications

Command Line Usage

The gtfs-import command-line utility will import GTFS into SQLite3.

The gtfs-export command-line utility will create GTFS from data previously imported into SQLite3.

gtfs-import Command-line options


Allows specifying a path to a configuration json file. By default, node-gtfs will look for a config.json file in the directory it is being run from. Using a config.json file allows you specify more options than CLI arguments alone - see below.

gtfs-import --configPath /path/to/your/custom-config.json


Specify a local path to GTFS, either zipped or unzipped.

gtfs-import --gtfsPath /path/to/your/


gtfs-import --gtfsPath /path/to/your/unzipped/gtfs


Specify a URL to a zipped GTFS file.

gtfs-import --gtfsUrl

TypeScript Support

Basic TypeScript typings are included with this library. Please open an issue if you find any inconsistencies between the declared types and underlying code.


Copy config-sample.json to config.json and then add your projects configuration to config.json.

cp config-sample.json config.json

| option | type | description | | --------------------------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | agencies | array | An array of GTFS files to be imported. | | csvOptions | object | Options passed to csv-parse for parsing GTFS CSV files. Optional. | | exportPath | string | A path to a directory to put exported GTFS files. Optional, defaults to gtfs-export/<agency_name>. | | sqlitePath | string | A path to an SQLite database. Optional, defaults to using an in-memory database. | | verbose | boolean | Whether or not to print output to the console. Optional, defaults to true. |


{Array} Specify the GTFS files to be imported in an agencies array. GTFS files can be imported via a url or a local path.

For GTFS files that contain more than one agency, you only need to list each GTFS file once in the agencies array, not once per agency that it contains.

To find an agency's GTFS file, visit You can use the URL from the agency's website or you can use a URL generated from the API along with your API token.

  • Specify a download URL:
  "agencies": [
      "url": ""
  • Specify a download URL with custom headers:
  "agencies": [
      "url": "",
      "headers": {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        "Authorization": "bearer 1234567890"
  • Specify a path to a zipped GTFS file:
  "agencies": [
      "path": "/path/to/the/"
  • Specify a path to an unzipped GTFS file:
  "agencies": [
      "path": "/path/to/the/unzipped/gtfs/"
  • Exclude files - if you don't want all GTFS files to be imported, you can specify an array of files to exclude.
  "agencies": [
      "path": "/path/to/the/unzipped/gtfs/",
      "exclude": ["shapes", "stops"]
  • Specify multiple agencies to be imported into the same database
  "agencies": [
      "path": "/path/to/the/"
      "path": "/path/to/the/"


{Object} Add options to be passed to csv-parse with the key csvOptions. This is an optional parameter.

For instance, if you wanted to skip importing invalid lines in the GTFS file:

    "csvOptions": {
      "skip_lines_with_error": true

See full list of options.


{String} A path to a directory to put exported GTFS files. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. Used when running gtfs-export script or exportGtfs(). Optional, defaults to gtfs-export/<agency_name> where <agency_name> is a sanitized, snake-cased version of the first agency_name in agency.txt.


{String} A path to an SQLite database. Optional, defaults to using an in-memory database with a value of :memory:.

    "sqlitePath": "/dev/sqlite/gtfs"


{Boolean} If you don't want the import script to print any output to the console, you can set verbose to false. Defaults to true.

  "agencies": [
      "path": "/path/to/the/unzipped/gtfs/"
  "verbose": false

If you want to route logs to a custom function, you can pass a function that takes a single text argument as logFunction. This can't be defined in config.json but instead passed in a config object to importGtfs(). For example:

import { importGtfs } from 'gtfs';

const config = {
  agencies: [
      url: '',
      exclude: ['shapes'],
  logFunction: function (text) {
    // Do something with the logs here, like save it or send it somewhere


gtfs-import Script

The gtfs-import script reads from a JSON configuration file and imports the GTFS files specified to a SQLite database. Read more on setting up your configuration file.

Run the gtfs-import script from command-line


By default, it will look for a config.json file in the project root. To specify a different path for the configuration file:

gtfs-import --configPath /path/to/your/custom-config.json

Use importGtfs script in code

Use importGtfs() in your code to run an import of a GTFS file specified in a config.json file.

import { importGtfs } from 'gtfs';
import { readFile } from 'fs/promises';

const config = JSON.parse(
  await readFile(new URL('./config.json', import.meta.url))

  .then(() => {
    console.log('Import Successful');
  .catch((err) => {

Configuration can be a JSON object in your code

import { importGtfs } from 'gtfs';

const config = {
  sqlitePath: '/dev/sqlite/gtfs',
  agencies: [
      url: '',
      exclude: ['shapes'],

  .then(() => {
    console.log('Import Successful');
  .catch((err) => {

gtfs-export Script

The gtfs-export script reads from a JSON configuration file and exports data in GTFS format from a SQLite database. Read more on setting up your configuration file.

This could be used to export a GTFS file from SQLite after changes have been made to the data in the database manually.

Make sure to import GTFS data into SQLite first

Nothing will be exported if there is no data to export. See the GTFS import script.

Run the gtfs-export script from Command-line


By default, it will look for a config.json file in the project root. To specify a different path for the configuration file:

gtfs-export --configPath /path/to/your/custom-config.json

Command Line options

Specify path to config JSON file

You can specify the path to a config file to be used by the export script.

gtfs-export --configPath /path/to/your/custom-config.json

Show help

Show all command line options

gtfs-export --help

Use exportGtfs script in code

Use exportGtfs() in your code to run an export of a GTFS file specified in a config.json file.

import { exportGtfs } from 'gtfs';

const config = {
  sqlitePath: '/dev/sqlite/gtfs',
  agencies: [
      url: '',
      exclude: ['shapes'],

  .then(() => {
    console.log('Export Successful');
  .catch((err) => {

Query Methods

This library includes many methods you can use in your project to query GTFS data. These methods return promises.

Most methods accept three optional arguments: query, fields and sortBy.


For example, to get a list of all routes with just route_id, route_short_name and route_color sorted by route_short_name:

import { openDb, getRoutes } from 'gtfs';
import { readFile } from 'fs/promises';
const config = JSON.parse(
  await readFile(new URL('./config.json', import.meta.url))

const db = await openDb(config);
const routes = await getRoutes(
  ['route_id', 'route_short_name', 'route_color'],
  [['route_short_name', 'ASC']]

To get a list of all trip_ids for a specific route:

import { openDb, getTrips } from 'gtfs';
import { readFile } from 'fs/promises';
const config = JSON.parse(
  await readFile(new URL('./config.json', import.meta.url))

const db = await openDb(config);
const trips = await getTrips(
    route_id: '123',

To get a few stops by specific stop_ids:

import { openDb, getStops } from 'gtfs';
import { readFile } from 'fs/promises';
const config = JSON.parse(await readFile(new URL('./config.json', import.meta.url)));

const db = await openDb(config);
const stops = await getStops(
    stop_id: [


Include this library.

import { openDb } from 'gtfs';

Open database before making any queries

const db = await openDb(config);

getAgencies(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries agencies and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of agencies.

import { getAgencies } from 'gtfs';

// Get all agencies

// Get a specific agency
  agency_id: 'caltrain',

getAttributions(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries attributions and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of attributions.

import { getAttributions } from 'gtfs';

// Get all attributions

// Get a specific attribution
  attribution_id: '123',

getRoutes(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries routes and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of routes.

import { getRoutes } from 'gtfs';

// Get all routes, sorted by route_short_name
getRoutes({}, [], [['route_short_name', 'ASC']]);

// Get a specific route
  route_id: 'Lo-16APR',

getRoutes allows passing a stop_id in the query and it will query stoptimes and trips to find all routes that serve that stop_id.

import { getRoutes } from 'gtfs';

// Get routes that serve a specific stop, sorted by `stop_name`.
    stop_id: '70011',
  [['stop_name', 'ASC']]

getStops(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries stops and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of stops.

import { getStops } from 'gtfs';

// Get all stops

// Get a specific stop by stop_id
  stop_id: '70011',

getStops allows passing a route_id in the query and it will query trips and stoptimes to find all stops served by that route_id.

import { getStops } from 'gtfs';

// Get all stops for a specific route
  route_id: 'Lo-16APR',

getStops allows passing a trip_id in the query and it will query stoptimes to find all stops on that trip_id.

import { getStops } from 'gtfs';

// Get all stops for a specific trip
  trip_id: '37a',

getStops allows passing a shape_id in the query and it will query trips and stoptimes to find all stops that use that shape_id.

import { getStops } from 'gtfs';

// Get all stops for a specific trip
  shape_id: 'cal_sf_tam',


Queries stops and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an geoJSON object of stops. All valid queries for getStops() work for getStopsAsGeoJSON().

import { getStopsAsGeoJSON } from 'gtfs';

// Get all stops for an agency as geoJSON

// Get all stops for a specific route as geoJSON
  route_id: 'Lo-16APR',

getStoptimes(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries stop_times and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of stop_times.

import { getStoptimes } from 'gtfs';

// Get all stoptimes

// Get all stoptimes for a specific stop
  stop_id: '70011',

// Get all stoptimes for a specific trip, sorted by stop_sequence
    trip_id: '37a',
  [['stop_sequence', 'ASC']]

// Get all stoptimes for a specific stop and service_id
  stop_id: '70011',
  service_id: 'CT-16APR-Caltrain-Weekday-01',

getTrips(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries trips and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of trips.

import { getTrips } from 'gtfs';

// Get all trips

// Get trips for a specific route and direction
  route_id: 'Lo-16APR',
  direction_id: 0

// Get trips for direction '' or null
  route_id: 'Lo-16APR',
  direction_id: null

// Get trips for a specific route and direction limited by a service_id
  route_id: 'Lo-16APR',
  direction_id: 0,
  service_id: '

getShapes(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries shapes and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of shapes.

import { getShapes } from 'gtfs';

// Get all shapes for an agency

getShapes allows passing a route_id in the query and it will query trips to find all shapes served by that route_id.

import { getShapes } from 'gtfs';

// Get all shapes for a specific route and direction
  route_id: 'Lo-16APR',

getShapes allows passing a trip_id in the query and it will query trips to find all shapes served by that trip_id.

import { getShapes } from 'gtfs';

// Get all shapes for a specific trip_id
  trip_id: '37a',

getShapes allows passing a service_id in the query and it will query trips to find all shapes served by that service_id.

import { getShapes } from 'gtfs';

// Get all shapes for a specific service_id
  service_id: 'CT-16APR-Caltrain-Sunday-02'


Queries shapes and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an geoJSON object of shapes. All valid queries for getShapes() work for getShapesAsGeoJSON().

Returns geoJSON of shapes.

import { getShapesAsGeoJSON } from 'gtfs';

// Get geoJSON of all routes in an agency

// Get geoJSON of shapes for a specific route
  route_id: 'Lo-16APR',

// Get geoJSON of shapes for a specific trip
  trip_id: '37a',

// Get geoJSON of shapes for a specific `service_id`
  service_id: 'CT-16APR-Caltrain-Sunday-02',

// Get geoJSON of shapes for a specific `shape_id`
  shape_id: 'cal_sf_tam',

getCalendars(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries calendars and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of calendars.

import { getCalendars } from 'gtfs';

// Get all calendars for an agency

// Get calendars for a specific `service_id`
  service_id: 'CT-16APR-Caltrain-Sunday-02',

getCalendarDates(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries calendar_dates and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of calendar_dates.

import { getCalendarDates } from 'gtfs';

// Get all calendar_dates for an agency

// Get calendar_dates for a specific `service_id`
  service_id: 'CT-16APR-Caltrain-Sunday-02',

getFareAttributes(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries fare_attributes and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of fare_attributes.

import { getFareAttributes } from 'gtfs';

// Get all `fare_attributes` for an agency

// Get `fare_attributes` for a specific `fare_id`
  fare_id: '123',

getFareRules(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries fare_rules and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of fare_rules.

import { getFareRules } from 'gtfs';

// Get all `fare_rules` for an agency

// Get fare_rules for a specific route
  route_id: 'Lo-16APR',

getFeedInfo(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries feed_info and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of feed_infos.

import { getFeedInfo } from 'gtfs';

// Get feed_info

getFrequencies(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries frequencies and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of frequencies.

import { getFrequencies } from 'gtfs';

// Get all frequencies

// Get frequencies for a specific trip
  trip_id: '1234',

getLevels(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries levels and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of levels.

import { getLevels } from 'gtfs';

// Get levels

getPathways(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries pathways and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of pathways.

import { getPathways } from 'gtfs';

// Get pathways

getTransfers(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries transfers and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of transfers.

import { getTransfers } from 'gtfs';

// Get all transfers

// Get transfers for a specific stop
  from_stop_id: '1234',

getTranslations(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries translations and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of translations.

import { getTranslations } from 'gtfs';

// Get translations

getDirections(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries directions and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of directions. These are from the non-standard directions.txt file. See documentation and examples of this file.

import { getDirections } from 'gtfs';

// Get all directions

// Get directions for a specific route
  route_id: '1234',

// Get directions for a specific route and direction
  route_id: '1234',
  direction_id: 1,

getStopAttributes(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries stop_attributes and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of stop_attributes. These are from the non-standard stop_attributes.txt file. See documentation and examples of this file.

import { getStopAttributes } from 'gtfs';

// Get all stop attributes

// Get stop attributes for specific stop
  stop_id: '1234',

getTimetables(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries timetables and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of timetables. These are from the non-standard timetables.txt file. See [documentation and examples of this file](

import { getTimetables } from 'gtfs';

// Get all timetables for an agency

// Get a specific timetable
  timetable_id: '1',

getTimetableStopOrders(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries timetable_stop_orders and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of timetable_stop_orders. These are from the non-standard timetable_stop_order.txt file. See documentation and examples of this file.

import { getTimetableStopOrders } from 'gtfs';

// Get all timetable_stop_orders

// Get timetable_stop_orders for a specific timetable
  timetable_id: '1',

getTimetablePages(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries timetable_pages and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of timetable_pages. These are from the non-standard timetable_pages.txt file. See documentation and examples of this file.

import { getTimetablePages } from 'gtfs';

// Get all timetable_pages for an agency

// Get a specific timetable_page
  timetable_page_id: '2',

getTimetableNotes(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries timetable_notes and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of timetable_notes. These are from the non-standard timetable_notes.txt file. See documentation and examples of this file.

import { getTimetableNotes } from 'gtfs';

// Get all timetable_notes for an agency

// Get a specific timetable_note
  note_id: '1',

getTimetableNotesReferences(query, fields, sortBy)

Queries timetable_notes_references and returns a promise. The result of the promise is an array of timetable_notes_references. These are from the non-standard timetable_notes_references.txt file. See documentation and examples of this file.

import { getTimetableNotesReferences } from 'gtfs';

// Get all timetable_notes_references for an agency

// Get all timetable_notes_references for a specific timetable
  timetable_id: '4',


Pull requests are welcome, as is feedback and reporting issues.


To run tests:

npm test

To run a specific test:

NODE_ENV=test mocha ./test/mocha/gtfs.get-stoptimes.js


npm run lint