Google Apps Script and SheetsAPIv4 wrappers in TypeScript
Google Apps Scripts provides two methods for working with and manipulating data from google spreadsheets:
- SpreadsheetApp
- SheetsAPI
This project merges functionality from both of these interfaces. It also adds the option to work with data in a spreadsheet as an array of objects rather than as a two-dimensional array.
if(typeof(SheetObject) == 'undefined') {
Name | Age | Gender --- | --- | --- Yan | 30 | M Jordan | 25 | F Akos | 31 | M Natalia | 35 | F
- Each spreadsheet should act as a list of objects Student Table
- Create your class to model a record in the table
- Load an array of class objects using the SheetObjectDictionary
- Do what you want with the data
- Write it back
class Student extends SheetObject {
name: string;
age: number;
gender: number;
* The constructor is responsible for loading the data
* from the spreadsheet into the class. The data parameter
* will be an object of a row of data from the spreadsheet.
* the key values will match exactly the header values from
* the spreadsheet.
constructor(data: SheetObjectInstance) {
if(!data) return; = data["Name"];
this.age = data["Age"];
this.gender: data["Gender"];
* the getData method is required for writing data back to the
* spreadsheet after modifying data in the class object. The
* key values of the returned object must match the column headers
* of the spreadsheet.
getData(): SheetObjectInterface {
return {
"Age": this.age,
"Gender": this.gender
* You can also add a validate function that determiens if the given
* row data should be supplied as an object. By Default, empty rows
* are defined as invalid souch that you will not receive an array
* of empty objects if all you have is a row header.
validate(data: SheetObjectInstance): boolean {
return true;
The SheetObjectDictionary class is responsible for taking your sheet and object and giving back an array of class objects.
// Get an instance of our google spreadsheet.
// This encapsulates GAS SpreadsheetApp.Spreadsheet
// as well ass SheetAPIv4.Spreadsheets
let spreadsheet: Spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
// We give the sheet constructor the name of the sheet
// we are refering to and the spreadsheet that owns it
let sheet: Sheet = new Sheet(spreadsheet, "Students");
// we create our dictionary by telling it what type of
// class objects it should associate with which sheet
let dict = new SheetObjectDictionary(Student, sheet);
let students: Student[] = dict.translate();
// Write them back to the spreadsheet