Codeless redis data loader!!!
Codeless redis data loader!!!
What does that mean?
Let me show you
redis-cli lpush phish down
redis-cli lpush in with
redis-cli lpush the disease
redis-cli lpush c food
redis-cli hset Rach no 2
redis-cli hset me is cool
redis-cli hset sideways paul giamathioahiad
FOO: {
loadArray: ['phish', 'in', 'the', 'c']
BAR: {
loadHash: ['Rach', 'me', 'sideways']
Okay? What on Earth are you talking about?
Well persons, with just a simple Javascript Object, the gs-redis-atomic-data-loader does the rest for you
Behold! The result:
FOO: ['down', 'with', 'disease', 'food'],
BAR: {
no: 2,
is: 'cool',
paul: 'giamathioahiad'
This isn't telling me anything
Fine then. Maybe this will help?
import {RedisAtomicDataLoader} from 'gs-redis-atomic-data-loader';
let loader = new RedisAtomicDataLoader(redisClient, configFromAbove);
loader.on('done', (cache) => {
/* cache == resultFromAbove */
Neat, I guess. What else?
Not much I'm afraid, although items can be reloaded
let config = Object.assign(configFromAbove, {persist: 'loadAgain!!!'});
let loader = new RedisAtomicDataLoader(redisClient, config);
redis-cli lpush phish fee
redis-cli publish loadAgain!!! FOO
Hopefully (yes, sigh, hopefully) your cache result above now has added 'fee' to the FOO array
Notice the on method used rather than once. Each time data is reloaded, the done event is fired.
The naming leaves much to be desired
Okay, how about liftraft, cherrypie, humptydumpty, codelesschico, chipsandsalsa ...
Shoot I forgot to mention the most important part
npm install gs-redis-atomic-data-loader
Followed by (after a few seconds probably)
npm uninstall gs-redis-atomic-data-loader
I want to Contribute
So do I :(
Oh, to this project.
Fork, create branch, make changes, push with well-formatted commit message, create pull-request
(This change will "commit message", first letter uppercase)