Grunt plugin for versioning, building, tagging your Git project and publishing to NPM.
Grunt plugin for versioning, building and tagging your Git project.
Current Version: 0.1.10
Getting Started
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.2
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-versioner --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
The "versioner" task
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named versioner
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
This shows all of the configuration options and their default values. Individual settings can be given for the different versioning types patch, minor, major and git. The files section is where to put the files you would like the script to update. Most users will only need to create a default task.
versioner: {
options: {
bump: true,
file: 'package.json',
gitAdd: true,
gitCommit: true,
gitPush: true,
gitTag: true,
gitPushTag: true,
gitDescribeOptions: '--tags --always --dirty=-d',
tagPrefix: 'v',
commitMessagePrefix: 'Release: ',
tagMessagePrefix: 'Version: ',
readmeText: 'Current Version:',
pushTo: 'origin',
branch: 'master',
npm: true,
mode: 'production',
configs: []
default {
files: {
'./package.json': ['./package.json'],
'./bower.json': ['./bower.json'],
'./': ['./'],
'./src/lib/src_file.js': ['./src/lib/src_file.js']
patch: {
options: {
file: './VERSION'
src: ['./package.json', './bower.json', './']
When including a file to update the script looks for a line like the one below to update the both the version link and url. This way your file will maintain a link to your latests release.
Current Version: **[1.0.2](**
Additionally any files with YUIdoc style version tags * @version 1.0.2
will be updated to the latest version as well if the files are included in the files
Usage Examples
$ grunt versioner:default
>> Version bumped to 0.0.2
>> Committed as "Release v0.0.2"
>> Tagged as "v0.0.2"
>> Pushed to origin
$ grunt versioner:default:bump
>> Version bumped to 0.0.3
>> Committed as "Release v0.0.3"
>> Tagged as "v0.0.3"
>> Pushed to origin
$ grunt versioner:default:minor
>> Version bumped to 0.1.0
>> Committed as "Release v0.1.0"
>> Tagged as "v0.1.0"
>> Pushed to origin
$ grunt versioner:default:major
>> Version bumped to 1.0.0
>> Committed as "Release v1.0.0"
>> Tagged as "v1.0.0"
>> Pushed to origin
$ grunt versioner:default:git
>> Version bumped to 1.0.0-1-ge96c
>> Committed as "Release v1.0.0-1-ge96c"
>> Tagged as "v1.0.0-1-ge96c"
>> Pushed to origin
$ grunt versioner:default:gitrev
>> Version bumped to ca40b1c
>> Committed as "Release ca40b1c"
>> Tagged as "ca40b1c"
>> Pushed to origin
If you want to jump to an exact version, you can use the setversion
tag in the command line.
$ grunt versioner --setVersion=2.0.1
>> Version bumped to 2.0.1
>> Committed as "Release v2.0.1"
>> Tagged as "v2.0.1"
>> Pushed to origin
If you need to run another task between bumping the version and commiting you can use the tasks versioner:bumpOnly
, versioner:commitOnly
, and versioner:npmOnly
$ grunt versioner:bumpOnly:default:minor
$ grunt uglify
$ grunt versioner:commitOnly:default
$ grunt versioner:npmOnly:default
To publish your project to NPM and to set a tag. Setting an npmTag
is not required. A tag name should not be SemVer range.
$ grunt versioner:npmOnly:default --npmTag v1.2-latest
options.bump - When grunt versioner is run the files will be bumped.
Type: Boolean
Default value: true
options.file - File that is read to current the current Version from. This should either be a json file in the format of package.json or bower.json with the version property or it can be VERSION file that only contains the version.
Type: String
Default value: package.json
options.gitAdd - The files that are bumped will be add to the git index.
Type: Boolean
Default value: true
options.gitCommit - The files will added to the git index will be committed.
Type: Boolean
Default value: true
options.gitPush - The changes commited will be pushed to git origin.
Type: Boolean
Default value: true
options.gitTag - Create tag of the latest version.
Type: Boolean
Default value: true
options.pushTo - Remote repo to push to
Type: String
Default value: origin
options.gitPushTag - The tag created for the new version will be pushed to the git origin.
Type: Boolean
Default value: true
options.branch - The git branch to push the changes.
Type: String
Default value: master
options.npm - Publish to NPM.
Type: boolean
Default value: true
options.gitDescribeOptions - Options passed to git describe when using to create a version tag.
Type: String
Default: gitDescribeOptions: '--tags --always --dirty=-d'
options.readmeText - If updating version information in your file. This is the text before the version information.
Type: String
Default value Current Version:
options.tagPrefix - Prefix text before your git tag.
Type: String
Default value v
options.commitMessagePrefix - Prefix text before your commit message. The default full message is Release: 0.2.2
Type: String
Default value Release:
options.tagMessagePrefix - Prefix for the git annotayted tags. The default full message will be Version: 0.2.2
Type: String
Default value Message:
options.mode - Mode that it should run in. The accepted values are test
and production
. The should only be switched to test
when running the tests. This prints out what commands git would have run in produciton.
Type: Array
Default value []:
options.configs - When you load package.json into a grunt config variable such as pkg
that needs to have the version updated as the grunt process runs. Adding any vars here such as pkg
will update any version
keys on those config properties so that the correct version is used when using pkg.version
in your tasks.
versioner: {
options: {
bump: true,
configs: ['pkg']
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.