Grunt plugin for building ThorJS
ThorJS Builder
This is a Grunt plugin for building ThorJS (
"Build", in this case, means to convert the original Design Pattern of ThorJs into another one.
So the lib can be made using prototypes extending default Javascript objects (as it is for now), and be used within an own object, or simple isolated global functions(still not implemented), or even AMD lib (not implemented yet as well =D).
Can you use this on your lib, just for building? Today I do not recommend. It`s not very flexible yet. BUT feel free to fork and help me to make this more generic faster!
Bug and suggestions
Bugs and suggestions should be sent to renie[dot]webdev[at]gmail[dot]com.
This software is licensed under the MPL 2.0 License. For more information, read MPL 2.0
I have a good feature or an idea for a feature. How can I suggest you to add this on Thor Builder?
You can fork my project here on Github or you can send me an e-mail.
What do I get for contributing?
My thanks. That awesome feeling of helping other. May be your name here in the project =)
Do you use and IDE? Witch one?
Yes I do. I've been using Sublime Text for some time, but recently JetBrains granted a free license for this opensource project. Btw, thanks JetBrains