Create store icons from a SVG.
Create icons for mobile and tablet applications for all stores from a simple squared SVG.
As of 0.3.X, Cordova / PhoneGap have changed their directory and naming conventions so that it fits better the targeted platforms. This plugin is adapted to the new file structure to ease integration. Check former release 0.1.12, if you are still on Cordova / PhoneGap 0.2.X releases.
In bold, the chart represents the user provided options. Normal texts are the generated sub file paths.
Getting Started
This plugin requires GraphicsMagick.
If you are on OSX, use HomeBrew:
brew install graphicsmagick
If you are on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick
This plugin requires Grunt >=1.0.0
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-svg2storeicons --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
The "svg2storeicons" task
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named svg2storeicons
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
svg2storeicons: {
your_target: {
// Source file: the SVG.
src: 'app/res/icon.svg',
// Destination directory where are stored all app icons
dest: 'www/',
// Optionnal, it produces icons for every stores if not specified
options: {
// A list of stores
profiles: ['windows-phone', 'android']
Type: String
Default value: Test
Specify your project's name. It is mostly used for iOS as the platforms/ios
sub directory. PhoneGap/Cordova iOS target uses it when building the application.
Type: Array of String
Default value: ['default', 'android', 'bada', 'blackberry', 'ios', 'tizen', 'webos', 'windows-phone']
Specify the stores that you target. The full list is provided as default. The default target produce a single icon.png
at the root of the specified destination directory.
Usage Examples
Default Options
In this example, the default options are used. Icons for all sizes of phones are being produced for each stores. The src
contains the access to an squared SVG file. The dest
contains the directory in which the icons are produced.
svg2storeicons: {
all_stores: {
src: 'app/res/icon.svg',
dest: 'www/'
Custom Options
In this example, custom options are used to create the default icon and only target Android and iOS.
svg2storeicons: {
google_play_and_app_store: {
src: 'app/res/icon.svg',
dest: 'www/',
options: {
profiles: ['default', 'android', 'ios']
The main plugin is written and its tests are written in CoffeeScript. In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt. Feel free to contribute.
Release History
- 0.3.X: 05/23/2016: Grunt 1.0.0
- 0.2.2: 02/05/2014: Version bump: PEM--
- 0.2.0 & 0.2.1: 12/29/2013: Compatibility with PhoneGap/Cordova 0.3.X: PEM--
- 0.1.12: 12/29/2013: Add 'cordova' as package's keywords: PEM--
- 0.1.11: 12/28/2013: Fix iOS icon's names to match PhoneGap: PEM--
- 0.1.10: 12/28/2013: Better path handling: PEM--
- 0.1.9: 12/28/2013: Typos: PEM--
- 0.1.8: 12/27/2013: Dependency checking: PEM--
- 0.1.7: 12/26/2013: Add an NPM badge for easing access: PEM--
- 0.1.6: 12/26/2013: Travis-CI integration: PEM--
- 0.1.5: 12/26/2013: Default icon and better tests: PEM--
- 0.1.3 & 0.1.4: 12/26/2013: Better doc support for PEM--
- 0.1.2: 12/25/2013: Minor typo and better antialiasing flow chart PEM--
- 0.1.1: 12/25/2013: PR on node-gm for transparent background: PEM--
- 0.1.0: 12/24/2013: Initial commit: PEM--
Known issue
- SVG containing gradient failed to be converted by GraphicsMagick (same thing for ImageMagick).
- SVG containing DataURI with Base64 encoding on JPEG or PNG failed to be converted by GraphicsMagick (same thing for ImageMagick).