SVG sprites & stacks galore — Grunt plugin wrapping around svg-sprite that reads in a bunch of SVG files, optimizes them and creates SVG sprites and CSS resources in various flavours
grunt-svg-sprite is a Grunt plugin wrapping around svg-sprite which takes a bunch of SVG files, optimizes them and bakes them into SVG sprites of several types:
- Traditional CSS sprites for use as background images,
- CSS sprites with pre-defined
elements, useful for foreground images as well, - inline sprites using the
element, - inline sprites using the
element - and SVG stacks.
Features & configuration? → svg-sprite
This document covers only Grunt specific installation and configuration aspects. For a full list of features and options, please see the svg-sprite manual.
Getting Started
This plugin requires Grunt >=0.4.5
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-svg-sprite --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
The «svg_sprite» task
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named svg_sprite
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
svg_sprite: {
options: {
// Task-specific options go here.
your_target: {
// Target-specific file lists and/or options go here.
The task-specific options
are optional and affect all defined targets. You may define as many targets (your_target
) as you want.
In the simplest case an «svg_sprite» target looks like this:
your_target: {
src: ['path/to/assets/**/*.svg'],
dest: 'path/to/css/dir',
options: {
// Target-specific options
However, as the path/to/assets
would become part of the shape IDs, you will most likely want to add a working directory in most cases:
your_target: {
expand: true,
cwd: 'path/to/assets',
src: ['**/*.svg'],
dest: 'path/to/css/dir',
options: {
// Target-specific options
As target-specific options you may provide a main configuration object as described in the svg-sprite manual. Configuration-wise, svg-sprite and grunt-svg-sprite differ only in one respect:
options.dest → dest
Type: String
Default value: '.'
Instead of being nested inside the options
object, svg-sprite's dest
property gets promoted one level up and becomes part of the Grunt target configuration itself (see examples above).
Usage Examples
Basic example
In this very basic example, mostly default settings will be applied to create a traditional CSS sprite (bundle of SVG sprite and CSS stylesheet).
svg_sprite: {
basic: {
// Target basics
expand: true,
cwd: 'assets',
src: ['**/*.svg'],
dest: 'out',
// Target options
options: {
mode: {
css: { // Activate the «css» mode
render: {
css: true // Activate CSS output (with default options)
The following files and directories are created:
├─ css/
│ ├─ sprite.css
│ ├─ svg/
│ │ ├─ sprite.css-495d2010.svg
The cryptical looking part in the SVG's file name is the result of svg-sprite's cache busting feature which is enabled by default for CSS sprites. We'll turn this off in the next example.
More complex example
The following example is a little more complex:
- We'll create a «view» CSS sprite and a «symbol» sprite in one go.
- Instead of CSS, we'll render a Sass stylesheet resource for the «view» sprite.
- We'll turn off cache busting for the «view» sprite and create extra CSS rules specifying each shape's dimensions.
- We'll downscale the SVG shapes to 32×32 pixels if necessary and add 10 pixels padding to all sides.
- We'll keep the intermediate SVG source files.
svg_sprite: {
complex: {
// Target basics
expand: true,
cwd: 'assets',
src: ['**/*.svg'],
dest: 'out',
// Target options
options: {
shape: {
dimension: { // Set maximum dimensions
maxWidth: 32,
maxHeight: 32
spacing: { // Add padding
padding: 10
dest: 'out/intermediate-svg' // Keep the intermediate files
mode: {
view: { // Activate the «view» mode
bust: false,
render: {
scss: true // Activate Sass output (with default options)
symbol: true // Activate the «symbol» mode
The following files and directories are created:
├─ intermediate-svg
│ ├─ weather-clear.svg
│ ├─ weather-snow.svg
│ ├─ weather-storm.svg
├─ symbol/
│ ├─ svg/
│ ├─ sprite.symbol.svg
├─ view/
│ ├─ sprite.scss
│ ├─ svg/
│ ├─ sprite.view.svg
Advanced features
For more advanced features like
- custom transformation,
- meta data injection,
- customizing output templates or
- introducing new output formats
please refer to the svg-sprite manual.
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
Please refer to the GitHub releases for a complete release history.
Copyright © 2018 Joschi Kuphal [email protected] / @jkphl. grunt-svg-sprite is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. The contained example SVG icons are part of the Tango Icon Library and belong to the Public Domain.