Changing resx files to json
Converts a set of localization files in the resx file format to a set of JSON dictionaries
Getting Started
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.0
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install git+ --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
resx2json task
Run this task with the grunt resx2json
Task targets, files and options may be specified according to the grunt Configuring tasks guide.
Type: String
Default: en
The locale that a file will be assumed to represent should the languagePattern not parse appropriately.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Set concat
to true
to have all of the different locales be concated into a single output file, with their respective locale
being the key and the value being the set of all corresponding values.
The default is false, which will then output a file per locale with the file format dest
Type: String
Default: dist/
The output folder for the processed files.
Type: String
Defaut: output
When concat
is false
, this serves as the base name for the output, which will have the pattern prefix
When concat
is true
, the output will be in the format prefix``ext
Type: 'String'
Default: '.json'
The default extension for the output files to have.
Type: RegExp
Default: /^.+-(\w+).resx$/
A regular expression with a single capture group that extracts the appropriate locale
Type: Function
Default: function(src, options){return dest}
A function given with arguments (src,options) that is responsible for providing the locale for the given file.
This is used by the plugin to group all the files of a single locale.
Usage examples
Src file declaration
In this example, simply using the common src
attribute from standard Grunt configuration to specify the set of Resx files to process. This will result in a different file per locale in the dest
location with ext
// Project configuration.
resx2json: {
src: ['templates/**/*.resx']
File Structure:
$ tree -I templates
├── baseLocalization/
│ ├── base-de.resx
│ ├── base-fr.resx
│ └── base.resx
└── extended/
├── extended-de.resx
├── extended-fr.resx
└── extended.resx
2 directories, 6 files
File Output Structure:
$ tree -I dist
└── dist/
|── output-de.json
|── output-en.json
└── output-fr.json
Custom prefix attribute
In this example, remove the prefix
attribute from standard Grunt configuration to customize file output to be locale``ext
// Project configuration.
resx2json: {
src: ['templates/**/*.resx'],
prefix: ''
File Structure:
$ tree -I templates
├── baseLocalization/
│ ├── base-de.resx
│ ├── base-fr.resx
│ └── base.resx
└── extended/
├── extended-de.resx
├── extended-fr.resx
└── extended.resx
2 directories, 6 files
File Output Structure:
$ tree -I dist
└── dist/
|── de.json
|── en.json
└── fr.json
In this example, running grunt resx2json
will result in a single json file, where there is a top level attribtue for each locale.
// Project configuration.
resx2json: {
src: ['templates/**/*.resx'],
options: {
concat: true
File Structure:
$ tree -I templates
├── baseLocalization/
│ ├── base-de.resx
│ ├── base-fr.resx
│ └── base.resx
└── extended/
├── extended-de.resx
├── extended-fr.resx
└── extended.resx
2 directories, 6 files
File Output Structure:
$ tree -I dist
└── dist/
└── output.json
Specifying custom locale pattern
In this example, we use a custom pattern to extract the locale of the files we are parsing. The will result in a file per parsed locale being generated.
// Project configuration.
resx2json: {
src: ['templates/**/*.resx'],
options: {
localePattern: /([a-z]{2,2})-.*$/
File Structure:
$ tree -I templates
├── baseLocalization/
│ ├── de-base.resx
│ ├── fr-base.resx
│ └── base.resx
└── extended/
├── de-extended.resx
├── fr-extended.resx
└── extended.resx
2 directories, 6 files
File Output Structure:
$ tree -I dist
└── dist/
|── output-de.json
|── output-en.json
└── output-fr.json