🚧 Grunt Express Server updated with additional options
🚧 Grunt Express Server updated with additional options v2024.4.121
Bugs are evident™ - MATRIX️
NodeJS LTS is supported
Built on NodeJs version
Simple grunt task for running an Express server that works great with LiveReload + Watch/Regarde.
It works with the latest Node and some additional options.
Getting Started
This plugin requires Grunt >=1.0.0
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-p3x-express --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
The express
In your project's Gruntfile, you can create one or multiple servers:
express: {
options: {
// Override defaults here
dev: {
options: {
script: 'path/to/dev/server.js'
prod: {
options: {
script: 'path/to/prod/server.js',
node_env: 'production',
env: {
'NODE_MODE': 'cluster'
test: {
options: {
script: 'path/to/test/server.js'
You can override the default options
either in the root of the express
or within each individual server task.
Default options
express: {
options: {
// Override the command used to start the server.
// (do not use 'coffee' here, the server will not be able to restart
// see below at opts for coffee-script support)
cmd: process.argv[0],
// Will turn into: `node OPT1 OPT2 ... OPTN path/to/server.js ARG1 ARG2 ... ARGN`
// (e.g. opts: ['node_modules/coffee-script/bin/coffee'] will correctly parse coffee-script)
opts: [ ],
args: [ ],
// Setting to `false` will effectively just run `node path/to/server.js`
background: true,
// Called when the spawned server throws errors
fallback: function() {},
// Override node env's PORT
port: 3000,
// Override node env's NODE_ENV
node_env: undefined,
// Merge the process environment of this option
env: {},
// Enable Node's --harmony flag
harmony: false,
// Consider the server to be "running" after an explicit delay (in milliseconds)
// (e.g. when server has no initial output)
delay: 0,
// Regular expression that matches server output to indicate it is "running"
output: ".+",
// Set --debug or --inspect (it checks the nodejs version) (true | false | integer from 1024 to 65535, has precedence over breakOnFirstLine)
debug: false,
// Set --debug-brk or --inspect-brk (it checks the nodejs version) (true | false | integer from 1024 to 65535)
breakOnFirstLine: false,
// Object with properties `out` and `err` both will take a path to a log file and
// append the output of the server. Make sure the folders exist.
logs: undefined
By default, unless delay
or output
has been customized,
the server is considered "running" once any output is logged to the console,
upon which control is passed back to grunt.
Typically, this is:
Express server listening on port 3000
If your server doesn't log anything, the express task will never finish and none of the following tasks, after it, will be executed. For example - if you have a development task like this one:
grunt.registerTask('rebuild', ['clean', 'browserify:scripts', 'stylus', 'copy:images']);
grunt.registerTask('dev', ['rebuild', 'express', 'watch']);
If you run the dev task and your server doesn't log anything, 'watch' will never be started.
This can easily be avoided, if you log something, when server is created like that:
var server = http.createServer( app ).listen( PORT, function() {
console.log('Express server listening on port ' + PORT);
} );
If you log output before the server is running, either set delay
or output
to indicate
when the server has officially started.
Starting the server
If you have a server defined named dev
, you can start the server by running express:dev
. The server only runs as long as grunt is running. Once grunt's tasks have completed, the web server stops.
Stopping the server
Similarly, if you start the dev
server with express:dev
, you can stop the server
with express:dev:stop
With grunt-contrib-watch
watch: {
express: {
files: [ '**/*.js' ],
tasks: [ 'express:dev' ],
options: {
spawn: false // for grunt-contrib-watch v0.5.0+, "nospawn: true" for lower versions. Without this option specified express won't be reloaded
grunt.registerTask('server', [ 'express:dev', 'watch' ])
Important: Note that the spawn: false
options only need be applied to the watch target regarding the express task.
You may have other watch targets that use spawn: true
, which is useful, for example, to reload CSS and not LESS changes.
watch: {
options: {
livereload: true
express: {
files: [ '**/*.js' ],
tasks: [ 'express:dev' ],
options: {
spawn: false,
env: {
'NODE_MODE': 'cluster'
less: {
files: ["public/**/*.less"],
tasks: ["less"],
options: {
livereload: false
public: {
files: ["public/**/*.css", "public/**/*.js"]
Release History
Old version
Support Our Open-Source Project ❤️
If you appreciate our work, consider starring this repository or making a donation to support server maintenance and ongoing development. Your support means the world to us—thank you!
Server Availability
Our server may occasionally be down, but please be patient. Typically, it will be back online within 15-30 minutes. We appreciate your understanding.
About My Domains
All my domains, including and, are developed in my spare time. While you may encounter minor errors, the sites are generally stable and fully functional.
Versioning Policy
Version Structure: We follow a Major.Minor.Patch versioning scheme:
- Major: Corresponds to the current year.
- Minor: Set as 4 for releases from January to June, and 10 for July to December.
- Patch: Incremental, updated with each build.
Important Changes: Any breaking changes are prominently noted in the readme to keep you informed.
GRUNT-P3X-EXPRESS Build v2024.4.121