CSS and JS minifier that respects source modification
A Grunt.js task that compiles CSS and JS files with respect of file modification date. For JS, it uses built-in UglifyJS minifier, for CSS — Yandex’s CSSO with automatic @import
inlining and url()
Unlike basic minifiers, this task generates a hidden catalog file (.build-catalog.json
) that stores state, last compilation date and checksum of minified files. Every time you call frontend-*
task, it will look into this catalog and check if the state of files being minified was changed. If not, the file will not be re-minified which saves CPU time and modification date. This date (or checksum hash) can be used to modify URLs to minified files for effective caching.
This plugin provides frontend-js
, frontend-css
and frontend-index
multi-tasks. Global config can be defined in frontend
key. All tasks are file-based. Here’s example Gruntfile.js
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Global config for each frontend-* task. These values can
// be overridden in `options` key of each task
frontent: {
// Force file minification even if they were not modified
force: false,
// Path to project sources root folder.
// It is used to resolve absolute paths in CSS imports,
// for example: @import "/css/file.css" will be resolved
// to './src/files/css/file.css'
srcWebroot: './src/files',
// Destination root folder.
// Used to update minified files paths in catalog,
// e.g. instead of storing '/Users/foo/project/out/css/minified.css' path,
// task will cut-out path to webroot and store '/css/minified.css' instead
webroot: './out',
// A scheme for creating versioned URLs. Versioned URLs
// can are stored in catalog and used to rewrite paths
// for `url()` values of CSS.
// Can be a string or a function.
// A string is a template with the following placeholders:
// * version: version tag (in most cases it’s CRC32 of file)
// * url: absolute URL, e.g. `/path/to/file.css`
// * dirname: absolute path to file’s directory, e.g. `/path/to/`
// * basename: file’s full name, e.g. `file.css`
// * filename: name of file, e.g. `file`
// * ext: file’s extension, e.g. `css`
rewriteScheme: '/-/<%= version %><%= url %>',
// function to post-process file’s content before it will be
// saved to disk
postProcess: function(content, fileInfo) {},
// Directory to output .build-catalog.js and bundles
targetdir: '../vat/tmp',
// Only process .build-catalog.js (no bundles)
onlyCatalog: true
// Task for concatenating and minifying JS files
'frontend-js': {
main: {
// task options
options: {
// Minify JS
minify: true,
// config for UglifyJS
uglify: {}
files: {
'out/js/f.js': [
// Task for concatenating and minifying CSS files
'frontend-css': {
main: {
options: {
// inline @imports
inline: true,
// rewrite all url() to versioned ones.
// the `rewriteScheme` is used to create versioned URL
rewriteUrl: true,
// minify CSS
minify: true
files: [
{src: 'test/css/*.css', dest: 'out/css'}
// Task fo indexing files and storing its’ version hash
// and verioned URL in catalog. Useful for fast lookups of
// versioned files
'frontend-index': {
main: {
files: [{src: 'test/css/**/*.{css,jpg,png}'}]
This task can be used together with docpad-plugin-frontend to automatically generate cache-effective URLs to assets for DocPad-generated web-site.